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How to add drainage to plastic raised garden bed?

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How to add drainage to plastic raised garden bed?



  Hi, I bought this product. I read reviews and many people mentioned having to make drainage holes.

But at the same time, I noticed the label says it's a self contained planter box. 

Can someone advise me what's the best way to use this box please? 

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: plastic raised garden bed

Hi @Ringodaisuki60 


@Noyade  might kindly offer the best advice for a first time planter setup :smile:


Or I can help later too.

Re: plastic raised garden bed

Thank you,!

Re: plastic raised garden bed


Hi @Ringodaisuki60 



Your new  planter allready has drain holes so excess water will flow out and not buildup causeing root rot  etc so thats  a good start.


Depending on you  plants they will have differing needs  but a general way  you can use your pot would be.


To save money  mix some quaility potting mix in with clean gardening soil for starters.

The next part depends on the plant sizes you  put in there as to root levels in the  pot I would put in some  peat moss to trap  moisture  in and around the root levels so they are moist but not saturated and too much  water will flow  out the bottom of  pot.


So add your  new plants 


If you  wanted  to give your plants the  best add some GOGO   juice for benificial  microbes and make nutrients avaliable to the  plants . As they say Heathy soil  heathy plants.


Sasol health tonic  Helps  with transplant shock and plant stresses and also aids in  benificial mirco organisims


Top you plant of  with asa general  guide non plant specific

Fertiliser Whoflungdung   a slow realease  mulch adding nutrients to the soil  while stopping pot from drying out.


This will in gerneral set up you new garden bed to welcome you  new plants. 



Enjoy  yuor plants


Re: plastic raised garden bed

Hello @Ringodaisuki60 


You'll notice that the side of the raised garden bed has two holes beside it. These are the overflow holes of the garden bed. The 30mm bottom part is designed to collect and store excess water when you water your plant. Any water that doesn't soak into the soil will gather in this lower part. 


This stored water can gradually be absorbed by the dry soil. If the soil is already wet enough, the extra water can extend the time between waterings and offer a bit of extra protection during hot weather. For plants in containers, having this reserve of water is beneficial, especially when there are no other sources available. 


It's like having a backup drink for your plants, which is helpful if you tend to forget to water them regularly. These reservoirs are also great for plants that need a lot of water and need to be watered frequently.


However, it all depends on the type of plant and soil you'll be using. Some plants don't like having wet feet and therefore adding extra drain holes would be practical. This of course means that you'll be watering more often as there will be no reserve water at the bottom.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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Re: How to add drainage to plastic raised garden bed?

How is your raised garden bed project going @Ringodaisuki60?


It might be too late for you, but just thought I'd point out also for other readers of this discussion in future that the wonderful @Noelle produced a comprehensive guide showing how to fill a raised garden bed.


Please let us know if you need any additional assistance. It will also be great to hear about what you are growing. 


All the best,




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Re: plastic raised garden bed



 Hello, Jewelleryrescue, thank you so much for the detailed advice, which I should have checked earlier.

No knowing your advice, I spread those drainage pebbles and filled the potting mix as per Bunnings team member so kindly. Initially, snowpeas and rockets were doing fine but snowpeas look unwell, dying and rockets are not growing at all. I will take your advice next time and see how it goes. Thank you again! 

Re: plastic raised garden bed

Hi EricL, tks for detailed advice, which I should have checked earlier. 

I had already spread drainage pebbles up to where the drainage holes are and filled the potting mix as per another Bunnings team member advice. Initially, my snowpeas and rockets were ok but started looking sick/ not growing. Also I used pallets to kill snails.  I really do not know what went wrong but I will take your advice and will do better next time. Tks again.



Re: How to add drainage to plastic raised garden bed?

Hi, Jason, tks for advice. I should have checked all your posts earlier. Unfortunately, my snowpeas are dying and rockets not growing at all. ( I spread drainage gravels and filled the potting mix as per another Bunnings team member. Initially ok but they are so sad. I have no idea what went wrong. Will try again with those advice and see how it goes. Tks again!

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