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How to fix squealing showerhead?

Growing in Experience

How to fix squealing showerhead?

We replaced a rail showerhead (because it's little plastic nubbins were busting open) with this bad boy:, old showerhead off, new plumber's tape on outlet and showerhead, new one on, seemed like no drama. This showerhead screamed at us like a horde of demons from hell.


Google said limescale buildup is a common cause of squealing but the old showerhead (which would theoretically be dirtier than the brand new one) sounded just fine. Pipes all looked good, so we thought okay, probably just a faulty head and went and swapped it for this one: Same deal, old head off, new plumber's tape, new head on.


Alas, this one too screamed at us, but the Mondella comes with a hose as well, so we thought hey, let's try changing the hose too, why not. No difference, still screaming. At this point we think maybe cheap showerheads just do that, though we can't fathom that our crusty old unidentified Caroma was terribly expensive. So we busted out the big bucks (for us) and bought this bad boy on CHOICE's recommendation:


Alas, it is somehow even louder, and also makes the hose really stiff which doesn't seem like a good thing pressure-wise (maybe we tried to go too water-efficient?). We have an on-demand (instant) gas hot water system if that makes any difference.


Any help would be greatly appreciated by our eardrums.

Growing in Experience

Re: How to fix squealing showerhead?

Thank you and everyone else for the time and help! I fully understand that we had an unusual circumstance, and I greatly appreciate that there were so many people willing to help us.

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