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How to remove threaded bathroom sink spindle?

Getting Established

How to remove threaded bathroom sink spindle?

Hi there, I have a threaded bathroom spindle that I am trying to remove. I have tried locking plyers, wrench, adjustable wrench, pipe wrench and also a Tap spanner set with no luck. Any ideas on how I can remove it to replace it with something new?

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Threaded bathroom Sink Spindle

Hello @Zorro70


I suggest holding off on removing the spindle as further efforts might twist the seat of the spindle along with the pipes that are connected to it. There is the possibility that the spindle has fused to the seat due to its age. Would it be possible for you to post a picture of the spindle? Our members can then make an assessment of its condition. We can then make recommendations on how to proceed. 


There are a few options available to you at the moment. You can keep trying to remove the spindle from its seat or you can remove the tiles around the area and replace the entire set. This second option of course will require you to engage the services of a plumber. Please remember that excessive force may damage the plumbing assembly behind your wall. If you need assistance with posting the pictures, please let me know.


I look forward to seeing the pictures.




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Getting Established

Re: Threaded bathroom Sink Spindle

Hi Eric,


Thank you for your reply. I have decided to get a plumber involved.  

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