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How to fix condensation inside Absco garden shed?

Just Starting Out

How to fix condensation inside Absco garden shed?

Hello - we have just built a 3m x 3m Absco Garden Shed in our backyard. Despite some teething problems, the shed is now constructed, and anchored. I was advised to wait 2-3 weeks before building on the new slab but I actually went over that time period by a further few days - just to be sure.

The main problem is the forming of condensation on the inside the shed roof. The condensation appears to start in a clear line mirroring the exterior ridge capping.

Is this a common problem with these sheds?

What is the best advice to stop the condensation from forming?

Any help or advice is welcome.

thank you

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to fix condensation inside Absco garden shed?

Hi @peter1959,


Thank you for your question and welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community, it is brilliant to have you join us.


Condensation occurs when warm air collides with cold surfaces so the hot air in the shed needs a way to get out. 


I propose adding a vent such as this Bradford CSR SolarXVENT 150mm Solar Powered Vent to expel the hot air stuck in there after being in the sun all day.


Installing this would involve cutting a hole to allow the air to flow out of the vent. This could be done by drilling a hole in the roof to start and then the hole to the diameter specified in the manufacturer's instructions with a pair of Craftright 250mm Right Cut Aviation Snips


Once installed following the manufacturer's instructions, seal the flange around the vent with a suitable silicone such as this Parfix 300g Clear Roof Gutter Silicone.


This is achievable as a beginner, but you might consider getting a handyman to assist with the installation.


You might like to look at this previous discussion on How to install exhaust fan in skillion roof shed for some additional guidance.


Let me know if you have any further questions I can assist with.




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