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How to get rid of white spots on my plants?

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How to get rid of white spots on my plants?

Hi expert,

can you please let me know which products I need to use to get rid of white spots on my plants?




Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Re: How to get rid of white spots on my plants?

Hi @parisMof,


Thank you for your question about the white spots on your plants, this is a tricky one to identify so let me tag some of our garden pros @Noelle @Adam_W and @Jamespeter100 to see if they can identify it and suggest ways to treat it.




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Re: How to get rid of white spots on my plants?

Hi @parisMof , wee but difficult to be sure from that photo but looks to be a scale or some sort of sucking insect on your murraya.
Easy fixed with this...

Just follow the label for application & reapplication rates.

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: How to get rid of white spots on my plants?

Hi @parisMof 


The white spots on the branches look like a classic infestation of aphids, sap-sucking pests.


Spray them with a pyrethrum-based insecticide, making sure you target the pests as this is a contact control.  Pyrethrum is a naturally derived extract of the pyrethrum daisy (a species of chrysanthemum) so is considered a natural product.


Alternatively you could use eco-Oil, another natural product.


You may need to repeat the application in a few days, as aphids can fly from one plant to another.  They also have a short lifecycle which means they breed rapidly and can re-infect plants regularly.


They will often disappear as the weather cools.

Cultivating a Following

Re: How to get rid of white spots on my plants?

Thanks for your reply.

I have eco-oil.i will try with that.



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to get rid of white spots on my plants?

Hi @parisMof,


It's great to see that our knowledgeable experts have been able to assist you. Please keep us updated on the progress of your plants and reach out if you need further assistance.




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Re: How to get rid of white spots on my plants?

Excellent @parisMof Worth noting that the husks of the bugs may still be present after you have killed them so don't think it isn't working. The real trick with Eco Oil is to get complete coverage to the point of run-off.

Cultivating a Following

Re: How to get rid of white spots on my plants?

Hi @Adam_W 

@I have tried couple of times eco-oil but still white spot are staying the same.

any other suggestions?


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to get rid of white spots on my plants?

Hi @parisMof


We just wanted to know if you sprayed under the leaves as well? What was your spraying frequency? If the infestation is strong you will have to increase the spray and lessen the number of days you skip spraying. Any other information you can share about the number of times you sprayed would be very helpful. Let me tag @Adam_W to make them aware of your question.


Please keep us updated with your progress, we look forward to seeing your plant healthy again.




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Cultivating a Following

Re: How to get rid of white spots on my plants?

Hi @EricL 

I have sprayed the whole bottle and I needed to change the pot.I have noticed the white spots are on the roots as well.


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