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How to revive my lawn?

Just Starting Out

How to revive my lawn?

Hi everyone. I am new to this group and a fist time renovator. You will see by my pic that we have an awful lot to do to the house we just bought. We do intend to do some landscaping to the front yard, however I was wondering what measures I can take in autumn to help get the lawn look healthy for spring? Any advice would be greatly welcomed 😊 


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to revive my lawn

Hi @Alimo19,


Thank you for your question and welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community, it is brilliant to have you join us.


You might like to check out these handy D.I.Y. articles for some guidance on lawn care all year round:


As the temperatures have started to cool and we are approaching the end of Autumn, I would suggest you focus more on the Winter lawn tips.


You should start by identifying the type of lawn that you have. The most common lawn types in Australia are couch, buffalo and kikuyu. You might like to have a read of Common Lawn Types And How to Identify Them to help identify your specific lawn type. Once you've identified your lawn, you can plan accordingly.


As the weather cools down, your lawn's growth will slow, so you must maintain what you have for the upcoming warmer months and prepare for the growth seasons.


You can begin your preparations for the growing months by removing weeds which tend to take over in winter. I would suggest you remove as many weeds as possible with a Cyclone Stainless Steel Weeder, or a Cyclone Extract Weeder, making sure to take the roots along with the leafy part of the plant.


Once you've removed as many weeds as possible, apply a combination of weedkiller and fertiliser such as Yates 4L Weed 'n' Feed Hose On Lawn Weed Killer to prevent further weed growth and promote nutrients in the soil.


You must continue to water and mow the lawn just at reduced intervals. As the temperature drops and the growth will slow, your lawn will use much less water, so water only when needed. The growth will also slow, so mow only to tidy the lawn over these cold months.


As I've said, the main thing in Winter is to prepare for Spring, so it's a good idea to think ahead for when the temperature changes and the growth starts to kick in.


Allow me to tag one of our resident lawn care gurus to see if they've got any other tips coming into winter @homeinmelbourne.


Let me know if you have any further questions. I am happy to help.




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