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What is wrong with my Eucalyptus torquata?

Finding My Feet

What is wrong with my Eucalyptus torquata?



 Hi all, I'm having issues with my Eucalyptus. It appears to have a fungal disease but I'm unsure and would like advice before proceeding. Previously it has had issues with thrips which I have treated with soapy water. 

I water it approx two to three times a week including rain. It is potted in Osmocote native potting mix. It currently has some roots poking out the bottom of the pot.

Thanks for any help

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Community Manager

Re: What is wrong with my Eucalyptus torquata?

Hi @MorganL,


Apologies for the slow reply. One of our resident Bunnings D.I.Y. experts had to take some emergency leave so we're a little behind on our replies at present.


Let me tag experienced member @Noelle for her thoughts on your eucalyptus tree. Noelle is the author of the excellent guide How to diagnose a sick plant, which you might find useful.


It might also be useful for Noelle and other members if you could tell us where you are based, how old is the tree and share some photos of the whole tree.


Many thanks,




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Re: What is wrong with my Eucalyptus torquata?

Thanks Jason and Noelle.

The tree is approx 2 years old and is based on the Central Coast.

I've been into my local Bunnings with the images and been advised to use eco-fungicide


Kind of a Big Deal

Re: What is wrong with my Eucalyptus torquata?

Hi @MorganL 

It's either environmental or fungal. The good news is that it does not look like myrtle rust which is a disease that is spreading rapidly since it was first discovered her about a decade ago. Myrtle rust is characterised by pustules on the undersides of the leaves as well as blotching on the upper surfaces.

Eucalypts may sometimes show similar symptoms to these when the growing conditions are not optimal - too much or too little water, extreme temperatures, etc.

Use of an organic fungicide, applied to the upper and lower surfaces of leaves, could be of assistance if the problem is fungal.

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