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Why are my lemon tree leaves curling?

Finding My Feet

Why are my lemon tree leaves curling?

Ive read some useful posts but wanted to verify why the leaves are curling and what pests are causing them, to ensure im using the right stuff, and what should I use.




Can you shed some light based on the photos? These are fairly young plants. Many thanks for your help.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Why are my lemon tree leaves curling?

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @ccheong. It's great to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about citrus leaf curling.


Silvery lines or trails on the new leaves mean your plant has citrus leafminer, and another indicator is the curled leaves. Use Neem oil and ensure to coat both the top and bottom of the leaves. Repeat the process every other week until no sign of insects is present.


Note, the affected leaves will not change but new growth shouldn't be effected.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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Finding My Feet

Re: Why are my lemon tree leaves curling?

Thanks so much Mitchell for your quick reply. Can I check that the Eco-neem oil I already have from Bunnings, put it into a spray bottle with some water?

Re: Why are my lemon tree leaves curling?

ANother question actually, should I spray all the leaves or only the ones affected? How often should I spray as well?


Many thanks

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Why are my lemon tree leaves curling?

You should spray all leaves, @ccheong. Eco-neem is fine, and a spray bottle with water is perfect. Spray every two weeks until there are no longer any signs of insects.




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Re: Why are my lemon tree leaves curling?

Much appreciated Mitchell... what a great forum this is!!!

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