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Why are some of my rose bushes dying?

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Why are some of my rose bushes dying?

Morning all. I have 8 rose bushes in my front garden which were planted 9 yrs ago. In the last couple of months 2 of them have died. They are next to each other so wondering if it’s something to do with soil as others are still ok? I have purchased two more from Bunnings but want to make sure they don’t suffer the same fate! Do I need to find out what killed the old ones first to make sure I buy the right product to correct the soil or is a good rose food enough? If so what would you recommend?Thanks very much ( Photo of healthy one)



Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Re: Why are some of my rose bushes dying?

Hello @Narla,


Sorry to hear about your rose bushes. Let me tag our garden experts @Noelle and @mich1972 to see if they have any thoughts. Our resident D.I.Y. expert @EricL should also be able to assist when he's back online later today. 


While waiting, I'd recommend checking out Noelle's guide How to diagnose a sick plant and also How to grow and care for your roses by the Bunnings team. These guides contain handy advice that you might find useful. 




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Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Why are some of my rose bushes dying?

Good morning @Narla Sorry to hear about your roses. May I ask you when you get time, can you please share a few photos of the roses that are dying as this will help to identify the problem. Look forward to speaking again soon. 😃🪴

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Why are some of my rose bushes dying?

Hello @Narla 


In the time that you've owned the roses can you please tell us how often did you water and fertilize it? Has anyone in the neighbourhood been spraying weedkiller? Any other information you can share with us about your roses will help us form an idea of what could be causing your roses to die.




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Re: Why are some of my rose bushes dying?

Thanks @mich1972. Here are some pics of dead and alive!:)









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Re: Why are some of my rose bushes dying?

Hi @EricL  they each have dripper and watered regularly. We redo mulch and add some rose food occasionally and prune yearly. I recently added this next to them. May be related?



Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Why are some of my rose bushes dying?

Hi @Narla thank you for adding a couple more pictures. Looks like a possible die back ( rose canker )  but I want to get a second opinion on it from @Noelle  first. 

Making a Splash

Re: Why are some of my rose bushes dying?

Hi @Narla  do you have any pics of the roots as well?

After 9 years is a bit odd.

Like @Erica said any neighbours using weed killer? its happened to us , neighbours wife died and he hated gardening and poisoned everything. 

may need to dig further down and see what deeper in the soil to.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Why are some of my rose bushes dying?

Hi @Narla,


Regarding finding out the issue, here's a helpful guide: How to diagnose a sick plant. Also, for your new roses, you might like to check out this step-by-step guide: How to plant a tree, shrub or a rose. There's also an informative article on How to grow, prune and propagate roses that you might like to take a look at.




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Re: Why are some of my rose bushes dying?



Definitely possible that spraying in area has happened but wondering why it’s only killed two of them? Here are the roots from one. Tks:)

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