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How to restore wooden antique bedroom furniture?

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How to restore wooden antique bedroom furniture?


Hi I’m looking for help to restore our king bed set, after couple of years rough use it took some scratches, wood chipped and looking dull. Any suggestion on how to restore to its beauty would be much appreciated. Heaps thanks 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to restore wooden antique bedroom furniture?

Hello @skms112


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's a pleasure to have you join us, and thank you for sharing your question about how to restore your antique bedroom furniture.


You have two options when it comes to restoration. First, you can try to polish it with Feast Watson 500ml Furniture Polish and fix the scratches with Timber Touch Up Crayon. The furniture polish will bring back the shine on the varnish or sealer that's on your bed set. Next is a bit more involved and will require you to sand down all the furniture pieces and remove the old stain and varnish. You now have the option of putting on a new stain and varnish or putting a new coat of paint in your preferred colour.


Please understand that matching your current stain and varnish is a very difficult exercise as the stain has aged and the varnish has faded. Any match that you find will look different as it is a fresh new coat. Painting over the old varnish is possible, but if there are any compromised areas in the old varnish they will peel off and ruin your new paint job.


Here are some handy links to help you with your restoration.



Let me call on our experienced members @prettyliving and @Nham for their recommendations.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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