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Monster coffee table makeover

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Monster coffee table makeover

A while ago now I bought a coffee table, yes another one😁, off the Facebook Marketplace. I didn't realize how big it was until my husband and son brought it home. It cost me $10 and was 130 x 110cm, I was flat out even moving one side. I planned on sanding the top then bleaching it, as the timber was quite orange and I wanted it to be more blonde I guess. I had bleached a small timber entry table top before and it turned out lovely but this table would have none of it and rebelled against me bigtime! I had to end up painting the top with some vintage green chalk paint I had made previously and while I was disappointed, at that point I was also relieved because I thought I may have ruined it completely. I distressed the paint and then I decorated the side panels with vinyl and glued on some 'handles' from some Kmart lollie jars which sounds weird on both counts I know but I was pleased with the outcome. I call it my pretty pastel vintage monster coffee table. It takes up half our lounge, but I wouldn't have it any other way😊





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Retired Team Member

Re: Monster coffee table makeover

Hi @daniknight4,


You have done such a fabulous job working (and re-working) with what the wood was giving you to create a gorgeous distressed-looking coffee table. I especially love the rose detailing.


After you sanded off the varnish, you said that the dark spot formed because you sanded it back too far. Does this mean you exposed more timber which the wax then darkened? 


Really lovely job.




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Re: Monster coffee table makeover

Hi @KatieC 

Thank you. Honestly at this point I had no idea what I had done. For a start I don't think I should have bleached it and I should have just waxed after I had sanded it originally. When I bleached it some areas took to it differently so I think that's what caused the patchiness. After I had put the varnish on some parts seemed to be thicker than others and maybe I took too much varnish off when I sanded it back at this point. To be honest though I'm not sure

although putting the wax on this part did darken the area. It's weird though it didn't darken the rest of the table. I did learn my lesson and will plan a bit more carefully next time:)

Re: Monster coffee table makeover

Thank you again for sharing your learnings with us @daniknight4.


I do a lot of upcycling myself and it is great projects like yours that help me with my process and also give me inspiration. 




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