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The Bunnings Workshop community can help with your home improvement projects.

Living and Bedroom

Help for living room and bedroom projects
Community Newcomer

  Hi all I've never hung anything up myself except with command strips so I was wondering what size screws and wall plug would be needed to hang this ...

Building a Reputation
67 replies

Hi, I want to rip off my old MDF walls and place brand new VJ Panels onto the timber frame. From the videos I have seen, the timber frame needs to hav ...

Just Starting Out
2 replies

Hi-id like to rejuvenate 2 table lamps (see pictures below)The housing for the switch and lightbulb socket has cracked/broken in the first one, the wi ...

Growing in Experience
7 replies

  Dear Bunnings Warehouse I am trying to hang this mirror that weighs about 6kg and has 2 hooks. Can you please suggest the best way to hang it on ...

Finding My Feet
3 replies

I live in Western Australia, and our walls are brick with plaster screened over the brick.It would be great to have videos of how to attach wood panel ...

Just Starting Out
8 replies

Hi- I’d like to make a four- poster bed frame, capable of supporting curtains on all 4 sides, but not the roof. I’d put horizontal poles around it at ...

Cultivating a Following
1 reply

A couple of cans of spray paint and peel and stick moulding is all it took to makeover this dated sliding door to a modern French style door Materials ...

Getting Established
14 replies

Howdy, has anyone got ideas to mount vertical movable/twistable slats/upright timber oregon lengths. The instagram video ive screenshotted is the only ...

Just Starting Out
1 reply

Can you just replace the diffuser on an LED down light?

Making a Splash
3 replies

Hi everyone, I'm hoping to get some ideas and advice from the community on how to create a safety rail for a queen size bed. I'm looking for a sol ...

Just Starting Out
1 reply

    Hi all, I am with a customer who has photos of an antique photo frame and the backside is chipped. They were wanting assistance with figuring o ...

Growing in Experience
1 reply

Hey my kid use Paramount mark pen on this door do I need to put anything before painting or painting will hide this permit mark pen ?  

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Workshop is a friendly place to learn, get ideas and find inspiration for your home improvement projects