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How to combat weeds in my pathway?

Growing in Experience

How to combat weeds in my pathway?

Hi All,


I need some advise or ideas around my front yard landscaping. I created 4 steps pebble pathway and followed all instructions from Online and Bunnings staff, I have put weed protection sheet underneath as well. I have got a lot of weed and grass which is growing day by day and has no effect from weed killers. The view of these steps is horrible now, picture attached. 


I am looking at advise or suggestions to either improve this or have another idea over this. It has to be affordable and must be DIY. 


Thank you in advance.


Kind of a Big Deal

Re: How to combat weeds in my pathway?

Hi @Sajjad 

 I see some dead weeds in that path so some of your  poison worked.  I would try a new brand of poison I still use glyphosate base (use gloves)  as I tried slasher and weed kill hit and miss.


Poison will get roots too because if you just try yank them out some roots can regrow.

Pull out those big clumps beside the  path s they can drop new seeds  on your  path.


Sadly weeding is a case of  doing a  little  often to keep on top of them .  No magic bullets here.


You can  try Black  builders plastic (thick heavy plastic)  as the black will heat weeds and should kill them underneath i approx 2  hot weeks.

Re: How to combat weeds in my pathway?

Hello @Sajjad


The last recommendation of @Jewelleryrescue is the one to go with if you want total weed eradication. I suggest removing the pavers and the stones and pulling out as many of the weeds as possible. Then apply the weed killer, once the weedkiller has evaporated cover the area with the builder's plastic. Place the weedmat back on top and then reposition the pavers and pebbles.


The reason for putting the weedmat on top of the plastic is to prevent the pebbles from tearing at the plastic. The black plastic will prevent water and sunshine from reaching the grassroots and they will go into hibernation. As long as there is no rain or sunshine on those roots the weeds will not come back.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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