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How to fix gap between concrete and wall: concretemate or general construction grout?

Growing in Experience

How to fix gap between concrete and wall: concretemate or general construction grout?


IMG_0695.pnghi Bunnings team, would really appreciate you’re advise on this.


a) I’m hoping to fix the slab edges on the side of the house myself. It spits out loose mud from underneath when we run the hose for need to have this sorted asap, for the existing concrete and for aesthetics. May I know what the best way to do this would be? Will concretemate be a good option? And any prep that I need to be aware of before packing it in? 

b) can I use concretemate to fill hairline cracks in our new concrete slab? The cracks  show up clearly after wet weather and I’m worried it will eventually ruin the concrete. Hoping to fix the cracks before prime and seal. 

Many thanks 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: concretemate or general construction grout?

I'd say you could do a reasonable job of filling those voids with Concremate @shumm. Try to clean as much debris out of the void as possible before you fill it. Aesthetics-wise, it might be worth creating some formwork down the length of the slab and pouring in a construction grout down behind it to recreate the front face of the slab. That would improve the overall look and give you a uniform finish. It would likely be best to fill those voids first, though.


For the hairline cracks, I'd look to use something similar to Gripset Betta 1L Concrete Crack Filler, as it will be easier to apply.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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Home Improvement Guru

Re: concretemate or general construction grout?

Afternoon @shumm 

Ive used concrete mate on repairs to my patio (I knew I recognised the name "concretemate" lol) and it really did a nice job.

Just have a look at Concrete patio repair. This was my patio.


I do like what @MitchellMc has suggested as it will give you space to work the concrete mate in and cover up the issue at the same time. Id suggest maybe several concrete screws into the existing slab almost done all the way so to give the concrete mate something to bind to. 

I found that it was very handy to have more concrete mate then I expected as once mixed it covered less then I had presumed. I also found that it does start to go off fairly fast once mixed. 


Definently would recomend it. It actuall states on the container the suggested depths of use and I think 20mm is the minimum to use.

Hairloine cracks I would not suggest to use it on.



Growing in Experience

Re: concretemate or general construction grout?

Thanks heaps!! Will post progress pics when we’ve done! 

Growing in Experience

Re: concretemate or general construction grout?

Thanks a ton, will update on the progress. Appreciate the timely advice!

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