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How to restore my fence and retaining wall?

Finding My Feet

How to restore my fence and retaining wall?

My fence and retaining wall were damaged by my neighbour's builder during the constructions works.


The retaining wall, posts and fence were deflected and damaged by the construction equipment and water leakage.


I want to restore them back to the original condition or reasonable standard.




What are the minimum requirements I need to check on the quote for the retaining wall and fence works ? eg. Materials and timber types etc ?


Some contractors have advised me that I need a new retaining wall and fence as they cannot be repaired. The fence will break once removed and it will cost less to install a new one.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to restore my fence and retaining wall?

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @kent2122. It's terrific to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about restoring a fence and retaining wall.

Could you provide a little more context surrounding your question about the minimum requirements you'd need to check on the quote? Typically, a retaining wall is constructed with H4-treated timber. If going in-ground, the fence posts would also need to be H4-treated. All the rails and pails can be H3. It might be best if you could first get the quote, and then you can ask us if what they've specified is adequate.


I would suggest that most companies will want to install new timber for all of it. Not only would it be difficult to re-use the timber, but hard for them to warrant their work since the materials are already aged.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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Finding My Feet

Re: How to restore my fence and retaining wall?

Hi Mitchell,


I have received three quotes below.


Quotes A and B propose using timber, while Quote C suggests using Besser block. All three quotes include the installation of drainage.


I would prefer Quote C as it uses Besser block and seems stronger than timber.


Could you please review and confirm if all the quotes specify everything required to rebuild the retaining wall?


If the prices are similar, which quote would you prefer, in order of preference?


Quote A

Quote B

Quote C

·        Remove existing retaining wall and fence

• Remove existing retaining wall and fence

• Remove existing retaining wall and fence

·        Supply and build retaining wall with galvanized steel posts


·        Posts are 1.2 meter appart and 1 meter in depth using 40mpa concrete


·        All risers – H4 treated pine 200 x 50/75 mm and 1 meter in height


·        Drainage – lay agg line and geotek fabric behind the retaining wall, 20 mm recycled agg on agg line.

- Supply and build retaining wall with 75mm H4 treated pine timber sleepers, 100x200mm H4 posts


·        Drainage – Agg/geotech fabric/socked agricultural line


·        Supply and build besser block retaining wall (390x190x190 block)


·        Drainage – supply and install ag line, blue metal and vinidex draincoil pipe behind retaining wall.

·        Not include new fence and tipping fee for existing retaining wall and fence

·        Install new fence

·        Install new fence


Building a Reputation

Re: How to restore my fence and retaining wall?

You don't need to pay for a damn thing.

Next doors builders are responsible and liable for the damage caused.


If you don't know who the builders are, or there's a conflict, contact your council regarding the matter.


Any new build is responsible for maintaining adjoining properties integrity. You don't need to pay for any damage here

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to restore my fence and retaining wall?

Hi @kent2122


Since quote A does not include the fence, then quote B or C would be my preference. If you'd prefer the blockwork, then quote C is fine.  


As @sara22au has mentioned, it would be worth speaking with the neighbours regarding costs. Typically, when a fence needs to be replaced due to age, the neighbours would split the cost. However, in this case, the fence has been damaged by the work being conducted on one side of it, so they really should be the ones having it repaired, not you.




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Re: How to restore my fence and retaining wall?

Thanks Mitchell and @sara22au 


Yes, you were right. My neighbour needs to pay for the repair now.


The issue started in 2022, the builder damaged the fence and retaining wall underneath. I contacted the builder directly and they acknowledged responsibility for the damages caused and assured me that they would be rectified by the end of the construction.


However, once the project has completed, they denied any responsibility for the damages, claiming the fence and retaining wall were too old and at the end of their life.


I informed my neighbour about the issue since it started in 2022, but they have not taken any actions and seem to believe everything the builder has said.


I had no choice but to take the matter to the tribunal (NCAT) last year and now the tribunal ordered my neighbour to be responsible for the repair.



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