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Help for outdoor home improvement projects
Just Starting Out

Hi guys. New to the outdoor home DIY world but want to give it a shot to save on money and give myself the satisfaction of completing some home Diy ta ...

Cultivating a Following
4 replies

Hi guy's I need to close the gaps here on each side by around 30mm for the grate to sit on firmly just in case someone walks on it (just so it is str ...

Growing in Experience
3 replies

Are there any adapters or methods for my (1/4” Standard Quick Connector) foam cannon to fit the (18V ONE+ 320PSI EzClean Power Washer) or (Ryobi 2000P ...

Getting Established
1 reply

    hi dear, please help to recommend a lock to fit to the door. I broke the old one and can't find it also. thanks in advance

Finding My Feet
2 replies

My son's kindergarten wanted a free little book library for the children to share and swap books and I volunteered for the project. They had an old do ...

Just Starting Out
16 replies

I’m looking to build a 600mm garden wall to keep a raised garden bed beck back off the side of the house (previous owners though buried weatherboards ...

Getting Established
18 replies

Good afternoon guys. I’m looking to build an outside Kaboodle kitchen. I’m at a loss on how to design the BBQ drop in section. It would seem I’m missi ...

Just Starting Out
1 reply

Is it possible to render this wall? I would love a flat smooth surface/finish on this wall. Is it possible to render it to achieve a flush surface fin ...

Finding My Feet
2 replies

I’ve just had some outdoor textured porcelain tiles installed, and they’re already getting a bit dirty from all the trees and leaves that are around. ...

Growing in Experience
5 replies

Hi Bunnings Workshop Team, Our house has a gap between brickwork and upper floor wall. Would you really a flashing tape or sealant that is approp ...

Cultivating a Following
1 reply

Hi I am adding a new drain under our pergola ( will just be handy for when we wash it) I have dug and found the existing 100mm storm water pipe I ha ...

Just Starting Out
1 reply

We have a number of loose pool pavers which required fixing. We have ready previous discussions but not entirely sure if they can be used on our pool. ...

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Workshop is a friendly place to learn, get ideas and find inspiration for your home improvement projects