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How do we repair these cracks in our ceiling?

Getting Established

How do we repair these cracks in our ceiling?

These cracks have appeared in our ceiling. It looks like it's where the plasterboard joins. Too big to use filler. Do we need to reattach the boards to the ceiling joists? Do we use adhesive or screws? The joists are hardwood. Thank you!




Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How do we repair these cracks in our ceiling?

Hi @littlej,


Thank you for your question.


It looks like the paper tape used to hide the joins in the plasterboard has lost its adhesion to the plaster above. This can happen if the plaster base coat was mixed with too much water, or not applied in enough quantity beneath the tape. 


To repair this properly, you would need the to remove the tape and then sand or scrape away the underlying plaster. Once the surface is prepared, reapply the paper jointing tape using a base coat, then allow it to dry before applying a second layer of base coat to fill the recess. Once this second coat is dry, a third layer of topping compound can be applied before sanding and painting. 


If you'd like to give it a try, I'd suggest watching How to tape and set joints for some guidance.


This can be quite an involved process, especially as it is on the ceiling right near a light which will illuminate any variations in the surface. For this reason, I would suggest this might be a repair that requires a professional plasterer.


Let me know if you have any further questions.




Getting Established

Re: How do we repair these cracks in our ceiling?

Thank you! We are renovating the bathroom so we will be removing that light. I might have a go myself in that room and see how it looks.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How do we repair these cracks in our ceiling?

Hi @littlej,


Definitely have a go, plastering can be messy if you're not a pro, but can definitely be great fun and a fantastic skill to have. 


If you wanted to give it a go, a kit like the Hyde Drywall Finishing Kit has almost every tool you'd need to get a great result. 


Let me know if you wanted any further guidance and keep us updated on that bathroom reno, I'd love to see what you come up with and offer any assistance you might need.




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