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How to repair cracks on the wall, celling and cornice?

Building a Reputation

How to repair cracks on the wall, celling and cornice?


we moved in to this house recently.

with in 6 weeks we can see few cracks appearing on the wall , ceiling and cornice .

it is double brick house , it was built 1947 .

it seems to me all the cracks is on the plaster .

I was wondering what is the best way to fixed them .

should I use multipurpose filler for the wall crack ? What about between cornice ? Do I need to take off bottom of the cornice ? 

I haven’t done many DIY.

Please see some photos of different cracks. 
thank you everyone in advance for suggestions.


Community manager's note: Check out How to repair a cracked cornice for expert advice.












Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: cracks on the wall , celling and cornice

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @mmd22. It's terrific to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about repairing plaster.


You should find these step-by-step guides useful: How to repair cracks in plaster and How to patch plaster.


You can use a multi-purpose filler on all these cracks. However, it would be best to also use plaster tape to reinforce the repairs. Without it, the cracks will likely return in a short time. I generally just use the filler, and many cracks won't re-appear. However, if there is any continuing movement, which is likely in a house of that vintage, the tape would be the way to go.


For those areas where you can see the previous repairs, you'll need to sand the areas back and re-patch them with a multi-purpose filler. The idea is to get the repair as smooth as possible, so it can't be seen through your paint coat.


The repair on the cornice can be done the same as the cracks on the wall, and there is no need to remove that piece if it is still well adhered. The repair will just be a little trickier since it is on a curved surface.


After looking at those guides, please let me know if you have any questions.


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Building a Reputation

Re: cracks on the wall , celling and cornice

Thank you so much for your all the handy advice @MitchellMc .

Cultivating a Following

Re: How to repair cracks on the wall, celling and cornice?

This is exactly where I am at! Good luck with the renovations :smile: 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to repair cracks on the wall, celling and cornice?

We'd be keen to assist with your project, too, @Nanne.


Please reach out if you need any assistance or have questions.




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Cultivating a Following

Re: How to repair cracks on the wall, celling and cornice?

I am so confused with all these products & advice :unhappy: . I moved into a townhouse where every room has similar cracks as the pics above. I don't want a budget solution (I'm a total beginner DIY, e.g rapid patch is too quick for me) do I use Base Coat 45 with mesh / tape or Polyfilla Plaster Cracks Filler or Uni-Pro Multi Purpose Interior Filler  or Multi purpose Joint Compound? I already have Base Coat 45 and Multi purpose Joint Compound plus paper and mesh tape. Thank you :smile:

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to repair cracks on the wall, celling and cornice?

Hi @Nanne


Since you already have the Base Coat 45 and the Multipurpose joint tape, I suggest using the materials you have in hand. Just keep in mind to mix only what you need with the Base Coat 45 if you're only doing short repair jobs. Please note that when mixing plaster you are after the consistency of soft peanut butter. Too wet and the plaster slumps, too dry and the plaster cakes and cracks. 


However, if you have the Multipurpose joint compound, this will work as well, just keep in mind to always close the lid of the tub to prevent it from drying off. When you are done for the day cover the tub with its lid tightly and place the tub in a large plastic bag and tie a rubber band on top. Do the same for the Base Coat 45, but don't join them together in a single bag.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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Kind of a Big Deal

Re: How to repair cracks on the wall, celling and cornice?

I’m glad I found this @mmd22 @as we have exactly the same problem with the cracks top of the wall and ceiling too. I want to fix it myself. Great information here 😀

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Re: How to repair cracks on the wall, celling and cornice?

Hi @mmd22,


How did repairing those cracks go? Hope the issue was resolved easily.


I also wanted to inform all readers of this discussion that we have a step-by-step guide on How to repair a cracked cornice authored by our resident D.I.Y. expert @MitchellMc that you may find helpful. It's simple project perfect for beginners. 

Please let us know if you have any questions. Always happy to assist. 



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Re: How to repair cracks on the wall, celling and cornice?

Thank you @Akanksha 😊 and I found it extremely helpful 

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