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How to replace an interior door which is thicker than before?

Growing in Experience

How to replace an interior door which is thicker than before?

Hi everyone,


I'm replacing my hallway door with a glass panel door however it is 4cm thick and the old one was 3.5cm. The door stop on the jamb appears to be part of it and not simple to remove. Do I need to remove the stop? How would I without making a mess of it?

Any other/suggestions?




Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Replacing/installing an interior door which is.5cm thicker than the old one

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @annaluno. It's brilliant to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about installing a door.


You might need to remove that beading if it interferes with the door opening. However, I don't think it will unless the new hinge hits it. If you need to remove it, you'd start at one end and pry a chisel between it and the door. If it's nailed on, you can work your way up the beading, prying it as you go. Take your time and do a section before moving to a new location. Eventually, you should work it off. You'll likely need to fill any damage or nail holes with timber putty, sand it back and re-paint.


The first thing to do is check it to see if the new door fits as is. If you run into difficulties, shout out.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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Growing in Experience

Re: Replacing/installing an interior door which is.5cm thicker than the old one

Thanks very much Mitchell. I assumed the stop was part of the whole frame rather than just beading stuck to it. I thought i'd ruin it by trying to find out for sure though! Is the stop usually just beading attached?

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Replacing/installing an interior door which is.5cm thicker than the old one

This gap I've indicated below makes me think it's beading that's been nailed on, @annaluno. Or, it's an architrave that runs around the jamb. Typically the jamb itself finishes right where that gap is. It looks like the paint makes it appear like one solid piece of timber.





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Growing in Experience

Re: Replacing/installing an interior door which is.5cm thicker than the old one

Thank you!


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