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How to replace flyscreen mesh for security door?

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How to replace flyscreen mesh for security door?


Hi team,


I’m planning to replace a fly screen for security door. But I have no ideas how to remove bolts and buy new one as the same in an attached photo.


Could you advise me which screwdriver can remove this bolt and a name of this bolt when I buy a new one in Bunnings?


Best regards,


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Re: How to replace flyscreen mesh for security door?

Hi Jeongsuk (@k830206)


Welcome to Bunnings Workshop. We're pleased to have you join the community.


Apologies for the slow reply, but we weren't able to have our usual resident Bunnings D.I.Y. expert on the site over the weekend due to unexpected leave. 


It's a little hard to tell from your photo, but I suspect this is a pop rivet and the only solution will be to drill it out and then replace with a rivet gun. Let me tag some helpful members to see if they can confirm: @EricL@Nailbag@JacobZ95.


Thanks for your patience,




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Re: How to replace flyscreen mesh for security door?

Hi @k830206,


What @Jason has said is correct. You will need to drill out the rivet and replace it with a new one. 

You’ll need a drill, drill bit, rivet gun and rivets that correspond with the size of the hole. Any drill should suffice, but you’ll need a drill bit that corresponds with the size of the rivet and something like the Craftright Rivet Gun to replace the rivet. This one is good as it comes with a variety of rivets for different sized holes.


Hope this helps,



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Re: How to replace flyscreen mesh for security door?

Hi @k830206 I agree with both @Jason and @JacobZ95 advice. The thing you want to avoid though is to not drill through the rivets (those bolts) to remove them or you may potentially enlarge the hole you need in tact for the new rivets. You can use a bit about the same size as the rivet head and carefully drill until it 's worn down and falls away. Then you can use a nail punch to pop the rivet through or failing that a smaller bit matching the hole to clear the old rivets out.


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