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Is this winter grass?

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Is this winter grass?







Hey team. I'm a little colour blind and new to the lawn game. But this is my Kikuyu lawn 2years old on a slop south facing. and wondering is this winter grass that looks like it's sewn it's way into my lawn? Just cut my grass using the highest setting on mower and some parts look dead/dry and others look greenbut also weed like


My roots are also very shallow even though i used soil wetting to encourage deeper growth in warmer months. But looks like it didn't do much and looks similar to last year and is a little sludgy and moist.  

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Is this winter grass?

Hi @amichaelmedia 


I believe you are looking at a Kikuyu Grass Runner which is a natural part of a Kikuyu lawn. It can look weed like but is a natural part of your lawn. You can trim it down if it has overgrown or keeps tangling itself on your lawn equipment. 


In order to improve the soil's ability to absorb moisture, I suggest aerating it with an aerating tool. This will loosen up any areas that might have overly compacted itself. It will also allow water to travel farther down into the soil. 


Let me call on our experienced members @Adam_W and @homeinmelbourne for their recommendations.


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Re: Is this winter grass?

Hi @amichaelmedia definately, as @EricL said, a kikuyu runner.
Winter grass is a clumping grass and tends t stand tall above the lawn.

Pic following for reference.



Winter grass in buffalo.Winter grass in buffalo.

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