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Interior barn door construction & installation

Finding My Feet

Interior barn door construction & installation

I'd wanted to put something in this doorway for years. Whatever I chose needed to provide privacy to the bathroom hallway and bedroom that's behind it, and act as a divider from the 'front room' it faces into, but it was important that it didn't encrouch on the limited space around it. It also needed to allow easy access for my furbabies. That's not too much to ask is it? 🤔😬


Inspo finally kicked into gear while I was watching the latest season of The Block, then my barn door was born, and I'm loving it! 😍


Step 1

Saw timber to the lengths required for the door and door-frame layers.

Step 2

Sand all timber pieces with 80 grit, and finish with 120 grit.


Step 3

Glue the vertical planks of the door together and securely clamp for 24 hours.


Step 4

Glue the frame to the top of the vertical plans and securely clamp for 24 hours.

Step 5

Drill pilot holes, then screws through both layers to secure the frame to the door.

Step 6

Sand both sides of the assembeled door with 120 grit.

Step 7

Stain/varnish both sides of the door.

Step 8

Affix the door hardware brackets to the top of the door (to be hung on the rail), and the handle on the door.

Step 9

Install the barn door hardware above the doorway.

Step 10

Hang the door on the rail, and enjoy! 😎

View my highlights reel of the whole process here.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Interior barn door construction & installation

Hi @DIY_Babe,


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community, and what a way to introduce yourself.


You should be incredibly proud of yourself to take on and produce such a high-quality door with some basic tools and a bit of elbow grease. I'm a huge fan of black hardware contrasted against timber, so this ticks a lot of my style boxes and might I add that the cutout for your fur babies is a fantastic solution that provides easy access while still giving the privacy that you require.


I hope to see more projects from you in the future if this is the standard you've set for your first.



Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Interior barn door construction & installation

Hi @DIY_Babe , just read your barn door project and watched your reel, looks great, I love the cat access, good idea., reminds me of a woodworkers rule, measure twice, cut once.



Looking forward to see your future projects.

Home Improvement Guru

Re: Interior barn door construction & installation

Afternoon @DIY_Babe 

Thats a good looking door and must say I love the timber backing tothe supporting rail. It gives it class and an aged feel.



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