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How to style outdoor spaces?

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Retired Team Member

How to style outdoor spaces?

With spring in full swing, it’s the perfect time to update our outdoor spaces and get them ready for entertaining and relaxing in style.

For anyone looking for styling tips, Bunnings has shared a handy guide on How to mix and match outdoor furniture.

You can also get some inspiring ideas from our collection of Top 10 most popular outdoor furniture projects.

I’m also keen to know if anyone has any other advice on styling backyards, decks, patios or alfresco areas?  Any particular trends to keep in mind?

Tagging some creative stylists in our community to kick off the discussion. Everyone else feel free to join in below. 





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Re: How to style outdoor spaces?

Oh I love this post, it makes you feel like Summer is just around the corner. We have been renovating for a while and although our outdoor areas are not finished I can't help but start the design process.  


I thought I would share some principles that I use when I style rooms and spaces, it can often feel overwhelming, so I use these to reduce the overwhelm and make it a more enjoyable process.  


1. Decide how you use the space - are you planning to BBQ or dine or lounge or all 3. Always start with function and work towards aesthetics. Consider you flow from the backdoor to the pool area to the BBQ area etc.

2. Create zones - if it is a multifunction area, then this will help you to compartmentalize each space and make it a little easier to design and will help finalise a layout.

3. Create a design concept or mood board for the space and then I usually will create one for each zone. You can create these in for free or save pics Instagram or you can create a pinterest board. This will help you to create some cohesion and clarity around what you want your outdoor area to look like.

4. Start designing. I usually start with the functional elements and hard furnishings - dining table, couch etc then layer in the soft furnishings, ambient lighting and wall art.


The biggest thing to remember is that it's your space and should make you happy. 


I am not a designer so these are just some little things that I do that may be helpful to you. We have designed and renovated over 15 houses over the last 10 years for keeps and for investment. Our current house no. 15 is a for keeps.


Happy designing xx

Inst: @renowayoflife

TT: @renowayoflife

YT: @renowayoflife

Making a Splash

Re: How to style outdoor spaces?

Even the smallest outdoor area or backyard can become your own little oasis with a few simple projects! One of the biggest impact, yet easy and affordable updates you can make is to paint your fence. They can really be an eyesore but definitely don't have to be. You can paint it to blend in or why not go bold and make it a fun feature! 


Lighting also makes a huge difference, especially if you are entertaining outdoors as the evenings become longer and warmer. I'm excited to add some string lights to our deck in the next few weeks! 


Don't have a huge budget for new outdoor furniture? You'd be amazed at what a fresh coat of stain or paint can do to your weathered old furniture. This is an approachable project that anyone can tackle and will give your space a fresh and inviting feel!

Re: How to style outdoor spaces?

Great tips, thanks for sharing @marliemakesit. I'm never ceased to be impressed by what a simple paint job can do. Bunnings Workshop members have shared several easy fence painting makeovers that demonstrate your point on the power of paint. 

Love your tip on installing lights too. Keep us updated on your project. We'd love to see your lit up deck when you're done.


Thanks for sharing your ideas once again,




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Re: How to style outdoor spaces?

Hello @Renowayoflife,


Thank you for sharing those insightful and practical tips. I'm sure our members will find your principles handy as they navigate different stages of the styling process. Especially loving your tip on creating design concept or mood boards to help visualise how different elements would work together - it's personally helped me avoid some disasters in the past. 

It's clear you have picked up lots of skills and learnt many things from all those years of designing and renovating homes. I look forward to seeing more of your work and participation within the community. 

Thanks once again. 



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Making a Splash

Re: How to style outdoor spaces?

Thanks for the tag @Akanksha ! I love the idea of a beautifully dressed area with lots of texture and colour, but I am also very time-poor so sometimes the two might not work well together! I thought about how I could have the best of both worlds and this is what I recently decided on: 


Mimosa Solaris Outdoor Setting 


Mimosa Solaris Dining Table 


Mimosa Solaris Dining Chairs 


As I'm based in WA and the climate can be brutal on outdoor settings, I decided against wooden furniture. I love the look of wooden furniture, but the regular maintenance required was just too much to for me to squeeze into an already busy life. The powder-coated aluminium means that the furniture is light enough to move around easily, can be hosed down when needed, and the cushions on the lounge are neutral enough to add colours and textures in the form of cushions and throws for the cooler evenings either side of Summer. I went with white aluminium to keep the area light and bright, but it was just my personal choice. The charcoal option is also lovely! 


If you want to add some further depth or warmth to your area, you can add a rug suitable for the outdoors, like this one that I have my eye on!


Sisal Rug 


You don't have to spend huge amounts to spruce up your outdoor area. I bought a few pots from the same range of varying sizes, and planted succulents (they can take the harsh sun, are water-wise and there is so much choice!), which bring colour and interest to empty corners or nooks. 


Egg Pot 


To keep your cushions clean and dry when not in use, always remember to store them in the shed / garage, an outdoor storage box or a suitable furniture cover. 



Re: How to style outdoor spaces?

Wonderful tips, thank you for sharing @theDIYedit




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