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How to replace gas cook top?

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How to replace gas cook top?


Hi team i wanna replace gas cooktop

I have old technika


techikna facebook support sent me measurement and model name and told me its 70cm 

Model : PA5GTCSS-2




Can I replace it with the bunnings 70cm gas cooktop top 

Bellini 70cm Gas Cooktop

Looks like affordable ! Other website charging 500 bucks 


the bellini 350 and 200 for bunnings pro installer 


The measurement of Bellini looks same as old one 



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to replace gas cook top?

Hello @Ak100oz 


Thanks for sharing your question about your gas cook top. Looking at the size and cut out requirements the Bellini 70cm Gas Cooktop should fit your current cut out. It might be necessary to center the cooktop before you fix it permanently in place. The cut out is just a few millimetres larger but not large enough to make it an installation issue. 


If you need further assistance, please let me know.




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