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Painted garage floor

Making a Splash

Painted garage floor

A friend of mine has a single garage that was simply a dumping ground. He asked for some help to clean it up so i suggested starting with a nice clean and shiny painted floor.


Garage floor paint - spoke with paint counter team member to get the correct paint.


  • Hose
  • Blower Vac
  • Cleaning tools such as dust pan, broom, scraper
  • Paint roller
  • paint tray
  • paint brush
  • degreaser



Step 1


Cleaned out the garage, i don't have a photo of this but you couldn't walk in as there was that much clutter.


Threw out unnecessary clutter, put items up on ebay.


Swept floor and walls, removed mess.



Step 2

Used garden blower to get out as much dust as possible


Degreaser on some oil patches


Washed floor with soap and water and hosed out

Step 3

Once dried completely, painted edges with paint brush

Step 4

applied one coat with roller to finish.


Left for 7 days to dry and cure

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Painted garage floor

Hi @Jimi 


Thanks for sharing you and your friends painted garage floor project. It looks fabulous and you've done an excellent job of the clean-up. Has your friend decided what it will be used for now that it's clean and tidy? 


Should it be necessary to store items in the garage again, I suggest having a look at this discussion - Heavy duty garage shelving by @jthurley. I've made a suggestion on how to build timber shelves that you can custom make and mount on a brick wall.


Again, thank you for sharing such a fantastic project.




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Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Painted garage floor

Looks great @Jimi  I want to paint our shed floor, need to finish inside first. Can I ask please, did you add anything to the paint process to make the floor non slippery if that makes sense ? 😊

Home Improvement Guru

Re: Painted garage floor

Morning @Jimi 

It does look a lot nicer :smile: Now the thing is will it be used for garage stuff or will everything else be attracted to it? BTW I never use a garage for a car :smile:



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