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Computer desk build

Becoming a Leader

Computer desk build

20210106_115353.jpegI thought I share my build for an affordable computer desk as most of us are now working from home. I needed an extended desk to fit into the study but couldn't find anything within my budget. My budget was under $150 for a 2-metre long desk. It's a straightforward build, and anyone can do it. It was my first desk that I have made. 



  • Length 2000mm
  • Depth 500mm
  • Height 790mm

Materials from Bunnings

  • untreated Pine 30 X 70 mm for the frame
  • Brackets for the legs
  • Wood screws
  • Worktop was 2200 x 600 x 26mm
  • Stain Linseed Oil (ikea)
  • Leftover white paint from Dulux (white on white)

Update: It has been six months, and the table is holding up well. I built another computer desk with my son for his room of similar size, and he loves it. 



Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Computer Desk

Good job,well done.

What material did you use for the top of the desk? It looks really nice.

Becoming a Leader

Re: Computer Desk

Thanks was the 2200 x 610 x 26mm Oiled Karri Laminated Panel for $129 but sometimes it goes on special for $99. I covered it with linseed oil and tung tree oil from Ikea to bring out the colour. 

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Computer Desk

Thankyou, saves a lot of work in making your own top, again well done.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Computer Desk

Congratulations @Nham, what a wonderful first project for you to share with the Bunnings Workshop community. We have featured it on our Project Gallery and are looking forward to seeing more.


Welcome to the community. We're so pleased to have you join us.


Please don't hesitate to post anytime you have something to share with the community or need a hand with a project around the house and garden. We're sure you find plenty of like-minded people in the community who love D.I.Y. and will get plenty of helpful information, advice and inspiration.


Thanks again,




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Making a Splash

Re: Computer desk build

Wow, pretty sweet! Well done.

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Computer desk build



Looks great!  👍


What brackets did you use? They appear to have a rounded end?

Becoming a Leader

Re: Computer desk build

Hi Noyade,


I used these brackets and fitted eight into the frame. It holds the the frame really well and is a nice design.  

Finding My Feet

Re: Computer desk build

What cabinet did you use for under the desk?

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Computer desk build

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @Corinney. It's fantastic to have you join us and many thanks for your question.

Let me mention @Nham, so they are alerted to your question about the cabinet used for this project.

We look forward to hearing all about your projects around the home and garden and encourage you to let us know if you ever need assistance with them or have something to share. You'll find plenty of inspiration within the community as our fantastic members contribute their projects here all the time.




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