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You have choices on how to proceed. It all depends on what you wish to do with your furniture. Do you wish to keep its character and not change anyth ...

Merbau is an extremely durable, long-lasting, tannin-rich hardwood. It is easy to work with in terms of clean cutting and easy fastening. The top o ...

2 replies

The first task is to sand back any flaking paint. I personally use a Ryobi 18V ONE+ Random Orbital Sander and highly recommend it as it is a great op ...

It's always best to start by removing any loose or flaky rust by hand with a wire brush. For stubborn areas, try a cupped wire brush in a drill or an ...

For a rusty metal outdoor furnishing, start by sanding the rusted areas back with 120 grit sandpaper to remove the bulk of the rust. Then coating t ...

Feast Watson Outdoor Furniture Oil is a good option to protect timber outdoor furniture. It is specifically designed for outdoor furniture. If you ...

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