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Acer sapling under sun stress

Kind of a Big Deal

Acer sapling under sun stress

I was increasingly worried about the sun killing our new Acer "Japanese maple" its leaves  where browning and had crinkled edges

even though I applied yates drought shield leaf polymer it didnt work well enough.  I also have a 2L drink bottle  with a cut in flap for water and 300mm of hose into the deeper root zone for watering.  But this isnt enough. ASAP after  xmas I am investing in an automated watering system I will be doing drip watering to plants under the mulch but  spending all money on other projects currently So this is a  super budget tree first aid.  The sapling  is the twig  near the black stake.

Knock together tree teepeeKnock together tree teepee

So I had left over 200mm x 50mm 2,4M planks and  screwed them together at the top will my wife holding them together a pair at a time.   With the 4 of them only a cyclone will move them so no need to bury them into the ground they are very stable.


I had some left over shade cloth. I have more if I need to shade the tree from other hot sun angles ie morning.  I have some sun hitting it in the morning intentionally in case the tree wants some sun.


I hope this is enough to save it.  Acers are meant to grow  slow so this shelter might protect the acer  for 5 years?


Acers will crinkle there leaves in heat stress but will grow them back pretty quickly I am told.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Acer sapling under sun stress

That looks like a very functional solution, @Jewelleryrescue. I hope your Japanese maple improves, but please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need advice. I'm sure our horticulturalists and gardening enthusiasts would be more than happy to assist.




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Re: Acer sapling under sun stress

Hi @MitchellMc 


 I would  be happy to hear  from  horticulturalists and gardening enthusiasts if there is a better way. I am  always ready to learn  from any one on any topic I am never locked into my own solutions  that would be  too foolish  Even  now I am still learning by project trial and error. 

Re: Acer sapling under sun stress



Hi All  the Acer has   half brown  tinged leaves but is holding it own under shade now.  The quickly erected ply of planks doing its job



Re: Acer sapling under sun stress

What's your watering regime been like, @Jewelleryrescue? Remember, it's time for water if the topsoil is dry when you stick your finger to full depth. Given it hasn't fully established a root system that can seek out its own water, you could need to be watering every other day if the weather is hot.




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Re: Acer sapling under sun stress

Hi @MitchellMc thanks for your interest in advancing my low  to moderate plant skills.


I planted a small selection of Acers to type get those autunm  and  summer colors going


One  ACer with red leaves died  apparently red leaf  variety more  vunerable to  heat stresse ??  I have another bigger Acer hybrid  on Palmatum root graft going  great no heat stress I planted that in front to screen  the  others once  grown.  I planted three together to try shade  each other once fully  grown but they have to live long  enough first.   I gave the  acers the best mix I could  to the depth of 75 cm  straight  down gardern mix with organic plant  material (not manure) I mixed that with a 1/4 bag of peralite to try help with drainage. At the bottom of the  tree hole I made a side vent ( Think lava tube in volcano but for water drainage out of a raised clay garden bed as not to form a clay  water bowl) Clay is  not  solid and  mixed with other dirt until I can lay down a  watering system (thinking under mulch root watering)  AS to invite the worms in and turn the that wider garden bed in to  a  loamy soil in 2 years. thats the theroy .  I also installed a  coke bottle with flap  and extention dripper hose  down to a depth  400- 500 mm with to ensure roots get watered later.  Tree roots only 300 mm max on planting sprinkled roots  with  root powder and used  a couple of doses of GOGO probiotic for soil. out wider  i am using whoflungdung sparingly as it contains aged animal poop which isnt great  for acers.


Being watering daily on hottest days in the evening after the heat soil finger test says barely wet so due again soon  Acer s dont like wet feet  so I am told so the ground drains  well leaving residual moisture. 


My current plan ?  I am thinking dripper hose outlet 5 mm in coke bottle for deep down so whats the best dripper system for tree on top. I am doing a back bone of 19mm poly pipe with individual plant watering  off  shoots.

Re: Acer sapling under sun stress

It sounds like you have the watering covered @Jewelleryrescue, but have a look at this helpful step-by-step article on How to install a drip irrigation watering system. I'm particularly fond of the drip rings that @Adam_W employs that encompass the whole plant. You can see them in step five. 




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