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Bought a mandarin from Bunnings WA a year or so ago, but its not fruiting or flowering. Well I can see one little fruit bud. The tree is really healthy. What am I doing wrong that its not bearing good fruit or flowering? Its not full sun but its W facing and gets full afternoon sun against the house. I live in WA.
Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @Tambo69. It's a pleasure to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about citrus care.
When did you last fertilise the plant with something like Osmocote citrus? Your soil looks particularly sandy and possibly devoid of many nutrients. Unless you are adding organic matter and/or fertilising, the plant likely doesn't have enough energy to produce flowers and bear fruit.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Let me also extend a very warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @Tambo69. Feel free to post whenever you need a hand or have a project to share.
In addition to Mitch's advice, you might find the Bunnings guide How to plant, grow and care for a mandarin tree very helpful.
Good morning @Tambo69 Get ready for the 41 degrees here in Perth today !!!! Now as you probably know, our soil is hydrophobic, lifeless , sand. So we do need to build it up now and then. I can see how sandy it is. Add organic matter around your tree, make a ring mound into a well. You can use sheep or cow Poo. Just make sure it’s not touching the trunk. This will help to encourage healthy soil microbes and Earthworms.
Now to help encourage your tree to flower and set fruit , I use regularly and swear by it, Sulphate of Potash, it’s an important trace element that is beneficial. I normally apply about 6-8 weeks. Also plant a couple of lavenders near it to encourage the Bees and Beneficial insects to help with pollination.
Do not over fertilise your citrus tree otherwise you get too much growth and not much fruit. Not only that, Citrus Gall Wasp is a pain here in Perth so if your tree produces too much foliage it encourages insects to attack the soft new growth.
I hope I have not gone over board with too much information, but I hope it helps you 🌿😊 good luck and keep in touch !!!
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