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How to revive root rot peace lily that wont perk up after over 2 months?

Finding My Feet

How to revive root rot peace lily that wont perk up after over 2 months?

My peace lily has been drooping since March even after I cleaned all the dead roots and repotted her with more perlite. She has not died in fact her leaves are still quite green and she even has a flower wrapped up in her leaves ready to bloom. But she just can’t seem to rise again:( my Willow plant sensor says her soil is too damp and too humid, despite me repotting her twice with new soil and hardly watering. 
I don’t want to lose her😣 


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Root rot peace lily that wont perk up after over 2 months

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @jeynagarajah. It's sensational to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about caring for a Peace lily.


To start, your soil is either too wet or dry. Stick your finger in the soil as far as it will go. Is the soil damp or dry? If the soil is dry to the touch, water. If the soil is damp to the touch, don't water. Wait until the soil is almost dry and stick the pot under the sink tap. Allow the water to run until the soil is entirely saturated. Have the pot stand in the sink until the water is no longer draining from it. Return the pot back to your saucer. Coming into Winter I'd do this no more than once a week, and more likely once a fortnight.


Despite what your plant sensor says, I suspect that a lack of water or inappropriate watering is the cause of the drooping leaves. Give your plant good water once a week, and don't water it every other day. Constant watering does not allow the roots time to dry out, which leads to root rot.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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Re: Root rot peace lily that wont perk up after over 2 months

Thank you @MitchellMc :smile: it has been damp despite leaving it to dry out between watering. The leaves have been drooping since March. Is that normal? 

Re: Root rot peace lily that wont perk up after over 2 months

Usually when a peace lily has droopy leaves it's a sign it's thirsty - but not dying yet! They tend to be dramatic. 


Good suggestions from Mitchell, including ways to reduce root rot.


Another way I like to water mine is broken bottom up.

I usually fill my kitchen sink with water a few inches high (you could also use a large bowl, pot or bucket) and sit the plant pot in the water. It will soak water up at much as it needs. I'll usually leave it there for a couple hours. I'll then remove it from the water, somewhere it can drain the excess water fully, then place it back into its ceramic pot. 


Good luck!

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Root rot peace lily that wont perk up after over 2 months

Hi @jeynagarajah,


If you are following a good watering schedule, and the leaves are still drooping, the issue might be due to a lack of sunlight.


Does the peace lily have a specific spot in your house and is it moved at all? 


I ask because it is possible that during the warmer months, it is exposed to more sunlight than it is during the colder months. You might like to consider moving your peace lily to somewhere that gets more indirect sunlight during the day to see if this helps. 


You might also like to have a read of How To Grow And Care For a Peace Lily for some other tips that could assist.


Let me know if you have any further questions.




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