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I'm looking to make the back yard less ghetto, but it needs to be low-maintenance (and as inexpensive as practical). I'd like to put down pebbles in the centre area (see pic 2), and have some plants (maybe small bushes) in the raised bed areas (see first and third pics). I'm thinking I'll dig down and level the soil, compact it, put down some weed mat, then some road base/gravel (and compact that), then cover with pebbles. My concern is that the garden is enclosed on three sides by neighbours' walls, so when it rains heavily, the water pools a bit on the soil in the centre area. Given that, do you foresee a problem with putting down the gravel and pebbles, and if so, what would be a good alternative with a similar outcome? Thanks very much.Left-hand side
Middle section
Right-hand side
Hello @TonyClifton
Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's wonderful to have you join us, and thanks for sharing your question about revamping your back yard.
Your plans look good, but is there any way that you can put a drain in the middle to allow the water to flow away someplace else? I'm just worried that in time the water will eventually rise, and you'll have a puddle problem in the middle of your nice, pebbled area.
Here is a link for ideas and inspiration: Top 10 most popular fire pit projects
Let me call on our experienced members @Dave-1, @homeinmelbourne and @redbournreno for their recommendations.
If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.
Hello @EricL,
Thanks for your reply. Honestly, I'm not sure if a drain is possible. I've added an image from the original plans from the council. And the key to the symbols. It's hard to read, even with the key. It looks like there might be a drain in the top right of the picture (which would correspond to the right-hand side corner near the black wall). Would this be something I should get a plumber to look at and advise? Can I contact the council/water company to see if they have batter/more detailed plans?
Thanks again, I appreciate your response.Symbols
Good afternoon @TonyClifton
A blank canvas and the mind starts thinking... Welcome to the Bunnings community pages
I think if you troll through even some of the ideas in here your list will be so long of what you could do!
A couple of questions to help out with some ideas...
Whereabouts does the deepest part of the water pool when it rains?
Do you have a storm water drain somewhere or a down pipe near this area?
How level is the soil now?
And is there a reason you want to dig the area out? (I love digging so I get the "want" to dig )
How attached are you to the walls of the garden bed? lol
First thought was maybe remove the walls and then put in some flexible edging Barrier Edging to create a fluid curved area that you can fill on the inside with the pebbles you want. On the outside of the fluid edge between it and the walls you could fill with deep mulch and plant with bushes/shrubs that handle shade. (I will let other people with more knowledge of what to grow answer for the plants ) This way your yard will look larger and "flow"
If you cant find a storm water pipe or dont have a down pipe near the area to have the excess water to drain towards, maybe you could use the lowest point for a shallow pond area? Even a shallow wetlands type deal so the plants within the lining of the pond/pond lining will use the excess water?
I dont think I would go to the level of adding gravel ect and compacting. I would be leveling it with a rake, then weedmat (knowing that it will rot) and then a decent height of pebbles (say 4cm to 5cm in depth) to stop the weed growth. The only way I know to get rid of weeds is to remove them. If you take a walk outside to admire your handy work once or twice a week and pull out any green leafy things that would keep it in check
Hi @TonyClifton
Thanks for sharing those plans. It appears there is a boundary trap at the far-right corner. I definitely suggest engaging the services of a registered plumber just to make sure that it is safe to link the drain into that spot.
You could technically do all the heavy work such as lifting and digging, this will save you a bit on the budget as the plumber won't have to do it. You'll just need their guidance regarding how far and how deep to dig. Once everything is connected you just need to fill the channel back in.
Please remember to ask for a quote before you commit to getting their services. It's best to have everything in black and white.
If you need further assistance, please let me know.
Hello @Dave-1,
Thanks for your reply and your welcome to the community. Yes, I've had a look around, and if I don't focus, I'll soon have an even longer "want to do" list.
Taking your questions in order:
The worst of the water comes from the awning over a deck; the water comes straight off there onto the soil below (and onto the deck steps as is the case for about 3m). It therefore pools around the section just in front of the deck.
As EricL pointed out, according to the plans I shared, it appears there is a boundary trap at the far-right corner. There isn't a downpipe near where the water pools.
The soil isn't perfectly level, and in the process of putting down the pebbles, etc. the plan is to level it all out.
The digging out is mainly so there's a reasonable step up to the bottom step of the deck, rather than because I love digging, although there's definitely a sense of achievement with it. 😁
I agree removing the walls would make the space bigger, and make the space more flexible (and give it the chance to flow, as you said), however, there are three trees (pretty tall ones, around 10m tall) which I think might become unstable if I were to remove the walls. That said, I'm no expert, so I don't know if the trees would become unstable or suffer with the removal of the walls. I get the impression I might be replacing one type of wall with another, and since I'm trying to keep it as simple as possible, it might not be the choice for me.
I'm really not keen on a pond, but I appreciate that even some plants there are likely to help with soaking up the water.
Thanks for your tips on the gravel and compacting. I'm not looking for more work than is necessary. I thought that by going a bit "serious" on it with the gravel and compacting would make it more stable (and importantly help it maintain its levelness over time), but if you don't think it's necessary, then that's welcome advice.
Thanks again. 🙂
Hello EricL,
Thanks again for your reply. I'll seek the advice from a plumber, and if I can do the heavy work to save a bit, I will.
I'll definitely get a quote before work commences, as you suggest.
I thought I'd follow up, just for completeness. I had a plumber come out and assess the drainage. He said it actually wasn't that bad and nothing really to worry about. It's all perspective and experience, I guess. He said I could put in more dedicated/pointed drainage solutions if I wanted, but pointed out that if I wanted to keep the costs down, then putting in some plants should suffice. That, plus levelling out the soil and putting down pebbles/gravel would help too and reduce the visible impact of the water (because at the moment, being all soil, the rainfall and pooling is much more noticeable).
I'll get to work and if I have the energy, I'll post an "after" pic.
Thanks again for your thoughts and advice, I appreciate it.
Morning @TonyClifton
You have ticked the right boxes to figure out what you want, Energy levels I understand for sure.
If you feel nervousness about a couple pics afterwards (I know I have when I have posted them) Totaly know how you feel but believe me, the community and even the people that dont comment are always happy to see pics. We have all been in the same place with projects, It may make us work a little harder and not leave something undone as we know we are going to post the pics.
But really I have not seen a negative comment in here
Your garden, your timeline and your energy
I do hope to see some pics and at the same time totally get you with energy and posting after pics.
Thanks @Dave-1,
I don't mind posting pics, and I agree it'll encourage me to finish off everything.
First—to the work! 😁 💪
Thanks for your encouragement.
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