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Kitchen renovation

Just Starting Out

Kitchen renovation


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: kitchin renovation

Hi @yoohee,


Thank you for your post and welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community, it is fantastic to have you with us.


Are you looking for advice on where to start with a kitchen renovation?


You might like to check out our Top 10 most popular kitchen projects for some inspiration.


If you clarify the purpose of your post, I am more than happy to help.




Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Kitchen renovation

Let me also extend a very warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @yoohee. We look forward to seeing how you can transform your kitchen.


I would recommend you start with the comprehensive guide How to plan a kitchen renovation.


Once you come up with more ideas of how you would like to progress, please let us know. We're here to help.






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