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Resurfacing ideas wanted for concrete path and stairs

Growing in Experience

Resurfacing ideas wanted for concrete path and stairs

Hi all,

I have concrete path/stairs that need to be resurfaced and looking for alternate to paint or tiles (though may end up tiles if cannot find anything else suitable). 


They were painted when we bought the house 15 years ago, after peeling/wearing, several years ago I grinded off the surface and repainted with paving paint. Only took a couple years before wearing off again, so now want to resurface with something that will be long lasting as don't want to do it again.


Had thought about stone tiles but will be expensive, a landscaper quoted $30k for stone tiles all the way to front door, yikes, way too expensive. I would be prepared to do it myself (taking my time), using 10mm stone tiles which would probably cost about $5k plus cement/adhesive/sealer & hire of tile cutter (the one that use water so no dust) as there would be lots of cuts. This will still end up quite expensive and take quite a bit of time.


Hoping for any ideas for other products that I could use that will be relatively hard wearing, long lasting and cheaper than tiles. Thought of laying pebbles, another post mentioned MaxPRO pebble resurfacer but Bunning don't seem to carry this product anymore and not sure how it would go on risers.


Also of note, quality of concrete not the best, flights of stairs at top okay (this seems to be better quality concrete) but rest of path seems to have lots of sandstone rocks/rubble, hence quite a few hairline cracks.


I've attached some photos, one showing a bottom step I removed because it was cracked, the stones on step above is what it was made of which I did couple months ago, first 2 photos from couple years ago, paint got a lot worse. After repairing step with new concrete, have grinded back the whole path.








Growing in Experience

Re: Resurfacing ideas wanted for concrete path and stairs

Hi Eric,

Tiles may end up being the way to go, thankfully I don't have any coconut trees that may cause damage, guessing it's a bit cool in Sydney for them, though I reckon if lived up north I'd probably grow one (away from any tiled paths of course 😁).


Thanks Eric, so glad I came across the Bunnings workshop site, great way get help with some reno/project problems and lots of project ideas to get inspired. And thanks to community members, @Jewelleryrescue & @Dave-1 , offered some great ideas that I may still use. Better get off computer now and make start on phase 2, precise measure up, though now 12 so maybe after lunch 😀.  

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