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How can I make a sliding aluminium fly screen for a sliding door?

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How can I make a sliding aluminium fly screen for a sliding door?

I want to make a sliding fly screen for my house for a sliding door. What products I can use. Do you have any tutorial?

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How can I make a sliding aluminium fly screen for a sliding door

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @AliBatur. It's wonderful to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about creating a flyscreen.


Does your existing door frame have a designated channel to have a flyscreen run in? If not, you'd need to install channels in order to accommodate the additional frame. Given the work involved in installing channel tracks and creating a sliding door from scratch, it would make sense to consider pre-fabricated options. Something like the Pillar 2040 x 1000mm Link Screen Pleated Flyscreen Door comes with its own frame that can be mounted to your doorframe and would likely cost less than the required materials to construct everything yourself. If you are just after the ability to have a flyscreen on the door, there's an even simpler solution of using a flyscreen door curtain.

Unlike window flyscreens that can be created with flyscreen frames, doors require a solid frame and are not typically considered a simple D.I.Y. project. If you are set on building everything yourself, please let me know, and I can't certainly help you down that path. You'd likely need to create a timber framed door similar to this 2060 x 820 x 19mm Screen Door Timber 1Lite Fresco 1, which would require reasonable prowess in timberwork, and install a track system for it to run on.


Please take a look at the easily installed options I've linked above and let me know if you have any questions.




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Re: How can I make a sliding aluminium fly screen for a sliding door

Dear Mitchell , 

Thank you very much for your reply Pillar 2040x1000mm seems OK. But it is not enough for me. I want to put a dog door on it so I need extra 2 frame yo hold the dog door as seen in below picture





Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How can I make a sliding aluminium fly screen for a sliding door

Hello @AliBatur 


Your diagram is pretty much what needs to be done to the 2060 x 820 x 19mm Screen Door Timber 1Lite Fresco 1. You'll need to add two pieces of timber to create the frame for the doggie door. I suggest having a look at the doggie doors first and choosing the size that is suitable for your pet. Using the measurements of the pet door, you can now determine where the timber supports need to be placed.


However, before you start modifying the door, I recommend double checking all your measurements to make sure that the door will fit with your existing frame. As @MitchellMc mentioned this will take a fair bit of carpentry to build and install.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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