The Bunnings Workshop community can help with your home improvement projects.
As a renovation consultant who has assisted many people with their home projects, Bunnings Workshop member Belinda Mangroo is a great asset to the community.
Known as @redbournreno on Workshop, Belinda can be relied upon for highly practical tips as well as advice on the latest trends. She is also very passionate about D.I.Y. and believes “having a go” at new things is the best way to boost your confidence.
“Overcoming the fear of the unknown is really important," Belinda says. "Every new challenge or unknown is another opportunity to learn and there is no better teacher than good old experience.”
Belinda practices what she preaches, and welcomes the opportunity to learn whenever she can. “There is so much to learn, and it never stops. I am constantly researching to learn new things about construction, design, property, and styling."
Belinda emphasises that research and planning are also fundamental in making any D.I.Y. project a success. Planning is critical in any D.I.Y. project, says Belinda
“Preparation is critical. Never take short cuts with planning and preparation, especially when it comes to painting.”
“Knowing simple rules about when to get in an electrician, plumber, builder, or any other qualified trade is the first step. Then, make sure you know what is required for the job and ensure you have all the tools and materials needed. Measure all spaces accurately and stand within the space to envision how it will all fit and work at a practical level,” she advises.
“Most of all, have fun. If it is a decorative project, then don’t be afraid to inject some of your own personality into it.”
Belinda’s passion for learning is also what drew her to the Bunnings Workshop community.
“When I first found out about the Bunnings Workshop community, I thought it would be a great way for me to explore different projects and learn about how different people would approach them,” she recounts.
“I also realised that it was fun to think through the questions asked by members and offer some advice from my experience if I could.”
Belinda says she also enjoys sharing handy D.I.Y. tips and advice with other Workshop members. She has helped several members with their projects, including those looking for advice on renovating their bathrooms and kitchens.
“By sharing my experience, I hope to help someone more inexperienced avoid making the same mistakes that I made.”
She reveals the most frequent question she gets asked about D.I.Y and home renovation is always centred around the overall cost of the project.
“This is always difficult to answer because it all depends on the site’s circumstances, the value of the property, and the expectations of the level of finish. I try to balance these aspects to help clients reach a realistic budget.”
Belinda’s interest in renovating houses grew after she renovated her first home with her husband.
“We did several renovations to that house, and it was striking to see how much it improved our use of the space. When the time came to move on, we realised renovating made it very easy to sell,” she recounts.
Belinda explains she helps her clients align their renovation goals with their budgets, adding she stays focused on being “realistic about what is achievable”.
“Every owner is unique and every project has its own challenges. I help owners choose colours, fixtures and fittings, set a budget, and establish the overall style of the property.”
“It is very rewarding to see the positive difference a renovation can make, and the impact it has on people who use that space. The mix of planning, creativity, and hard work is all worth it when I see a beautiful and functional result,” she says.Belinda finds it rewarding to help homeowners with their renovations
Whenever she hits a snag while working on a project, Belinda says she takes a break to figure out solutions.
“A solution must always be the number one priority. Looking back in time or just wishing it didn’t happen will not help finish the job. I like to be solution-driven and creative in dealing with snags.”
In her previous role, Belinda worked as a research scientist in the agricultural biotechnology industry.
“That’s where I got my attention to detail and planning skills from. These are very useful in planning a renovation,” she explains.
Belinda lives in Sydney with her husband and two sons. In her free time, she enjoys watching movies in her recently renovated lounge room, and relaxing with her family.
When asked about what she would change in a standard Australian home, Belinda says insulation and energy efficiency should be prioritised in new builds and renovations.
"Whenever I am working with new walls or have exposed old wall frames, I will always insulate them. Undoing old mistakes is also really important. I do my best to upgrade the level of finish and quality of build whenever possible, like waterproofing wet areas or using water resistant wall linings."
One of her favourite projects involved installing a Kaboodle kitchen in an investment property.
"That kitchen totally transformed the floorplan and added a lot of value to the house. It had a stylish VJ panel island feature and open timber shelving. My husband and I installed most of it ourselves," she recounts.
Belinda says her cordless screwdriver is the most used tool in her toolkit.
“It is great for use in tight spaces, especially flat packs. My Ryobi palm sander has also had a good workout over the years because it is so efficient at light sanding work. I can also never do without a quality Stanley knife, a large paint mixer, or a silicone scraper set,” she says.
Belinda’s upcoming projects include renovating her guest bathroom.
“I want to give it a beautiful makeover to make it a luxurious space, but not make it too luxurious or my guests will spend most of their time in there when they come to visit!”
1. Be clear on why you are renovating. Think about whether you are improving the property to increase its resale value or to fulfil your own long-term needs. This will impact the project's budget and level of finish.
2. Remember that planning and preparation always take much longer than the actual task.
3. Don't be duped into thinking that big projects can be completed quickly in a flurry of enthusiasm. TV shows often imply this. Use them for inspiration, but be aware that the reality is very different.
4. Identify your superpowers and make the most of them. Your strengths could lie in design, planning, installing flatpacks, or painting. Then, reach out to a skilled tradesperson to tackle what you can't.
5. Set your task, research how to approach it, and give it a go. There is a lot to learn from sources like YouTube.
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