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Can you paint a tiled kitchen floor?

TiledFloor.jpegTile paint will not hold up under trafficked loads. It will soon scrape off. I'd recommend that a hybrid vinyl plank or floating floor would be the best option. I wouldn't advise painting the tiles unless you were looking for a budget-friendly solution for a couple of years until installing another floor option. Although it's a cheap and easy way to change the tile's appearance, it has a finite lifespan and shouldn't be considered a permanent option. You should find this guide useful: How to choose the right type of flooring.MitchellMc


I would install matching laminate flooring. I lived in a newly built rented house last year with an open plan lounge / dining / kitchen that used the same laminate floor all the way through and it looked fantastic.  Far nicer than having tiles in the kitchen area. - Ari

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