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Recycled pallet ladder pot stand

Amassing an Audience
Amassing an Audience

A rustic pot stand created by joining two ladders with hinges and using timber pieces on dowels to hold pots.





The project


I followed these instructions on How To Make A Decorative Vintage Ladder and adapted them to make this display pot stand.


The frame is constructed using recycled pallet timber. I then used 32mm Oak dowel, barn hinges, Pine pieces and Dulux Design Chalk Effect Paint to achieve the finished product.


How to make a ladder stand


The Bunnings team has put together a step-by-step guide for making a shoe storage rack that has a similar design to this ladder pot stand. Follow this guide: How To Make a D.I.Y. Shoe Storage Rack.




Becoming a Leader

I loved this. Well done @MitchellM - I reckon I'm going to make one of these. 

I think I will use a hinge at the top and put a locking mechanism of some type to keep it stable - but it will allow me to move it around easier. 

I'll send a picture once I've done it. 

Good work. 


Amassing an Audience

Thanks for your kind comment, @robchin.


Great thinking about the hinge; that's what I used on the top. It's a strap hinge style, similar to this Pinnacle 75mm Zinc Plated Strap Hinge.


It's worth considering a locking mechanism as well. I just used cotton cordage as it was a simple approach, or I believe you could use something like this Prestige 131mm Lid Support Stay.


Looking forward to seeing your version.




Making a Splash

This looks great.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Hi Lorena,


Let me tag @MitchellM to make him aware of your kind words. If you ever decide to give this project a go please make sure to share an update.




Becoming a Leader

This is just what I need to show off my gorgeous collection of Bunnings plants!  Thank you MitchellMc - what an inspiration! 👏👍🏻

Amassing an Audience

Thanks so much, @Tyro!


It's quite an easy project, even for someone starting out in woodworking. I encourage you to give it a try and reach out if you need assistance.




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