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How do I build a 5m long raised garden bed?

Just Starting Out

How do I build a 5m long raised garden bed?


My husband and I want to have a go at building a long, poolside raised garden bed. We don’t have much width to work with (500mm) so we are thinking of going with treated pine sleepers to maximise our garden bed space. 

The measurements would be something in the range of 5 metres long, 500mm deep and 500-600mm high. 

We want to clad the sleepers with blue board and either do render paint or stone veneer to finish off. 

We have watched this video and were wondering if a long garden bed of 4 or 5 metres could be built in this way?


We want to get it right the first time and are unsure if this will need any sort of bracing. We would also like to know if the floor of this design is essential to give the structure strength or if we can leave the bottom open. 


I’ve attached a pic of where the garden bed will go. We are in the process of removing some monster sized ornamental banana palms that are starting to push our fence over after only 13 months growth!

Thanks in advance for any replies.





Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How do I build a 5m long raised garden bed?

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @AimeeR. It's wonderful to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about building a raised garden bed.

You could certainly follow that guide. As you've mentioned, the only real adjustment would be adding bracing over such a long length, and I believe it would be a wise decision to include it. No floor is required, but it does add structural integrity to the bed. You would be fine not including a floor, but bracing every metre between the front and back wall would be important; it just helps tie everything together. The bracing is just a length of sleeper, and you'll screw through the front and back wall to secure them in position.


For another construction method, check out this helpful step-by-step guide: How to build a raised garden bed for privacy.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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Re: How do I build a 5m long raised garden bed?

Hi @AimeeR,


Let me also extend a very warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. 


Just wanted to add that you might want to check in with your local council about their pool fencing regulations give you might be creating a climbable structure near the fence.


Looking forward to seeing your project take shape. Please let us know whenever you need a hand or have a project update to share.






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