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How to render brick planter boxes?

Just Starting Out

How to render brick planter boxes?

I have two planter boxes (brick) that I would like to render the same colour as my facade posts (Spanish eyes) how would I go about doing this?




Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to render brick planter boxes?

Hello @nyomi 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's marvellous to have you join us, and thank you for sharing your question about rendering your brick planter box. 


My apologies for the late reply. If you are thinking of rendering the surface of the planter box it can definitely be done. But if you are wanting it in the same colour, it will need to be painted. Would it be possible for you to post a picture of the render of your post? If it is just a standard finish on the render, you should be able to easily render your brick planter boxes. 


The general steps are to make sure that the surface of the bricks are clean and free of debris. I suggest washing the surface with water and detergent in combination with a bristle brush. You can also use a pressure washer to thoroughly clean its surface. Once the brick surface is totally dry you can then begin rendering its surface. You'll need a mixing container for the render, a trowel and the other tools necessary to finish renders surface.


Once the render has cured, you can then paint its surface in the same colour as your posts. 


Here is a handy step-by-step guide:



If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.




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