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How to treat viburnum disease?

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How to treat viburnum disease?



We have some quick fence viburnums as a hedge running approximately 28m on our boundary. Over the past few weeks a few of them appear to be changing colour on the top section. These look diseased. Is this a mite or fungus? How do I stop it from spreading - cut effected areas out? Would need oil help?

Thanks in advance 🙏







Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to treat viburnum disease?

Hi @atb90809,


Certainly looks like mites to me. Dealing with mites is a common issue with this plant. To address the problem, trim the hedge to reduce its height and width, removing affected foliage to encourage better airflow and light penetration. 


For treatment, use Eco-Organic Garden 100ml Eco-Neem Concentrate. Ensure thorough coverage, particularly targeting the undersides of leaves where mites reside. It's advisable to spray new growth and preventatively during warmer months to prevent future infestations. Since it's such a large plant, I'd recommend you mix the eco-oil up into a large sprayer. You'll likely need to get on a ladder to reach the foliage at the top. Here's a helpful guide: How to use ladders safely.


Fortunately, viburnum tolerates aggressive pruning, so don't hesitate to trim them back if mites become a problem. 


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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Re: How to treat viburnum disease?

Thank you so much for that Mitchell 🙏 Will get onto now. 😊

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