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How to makeover garden side way?

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How to makeover garden side way?

Hello Everyone!! I have been thinking of my garden sideways makeover but have no does where to start from.  Please refer the photos I have attached. How can I stop the unwanted grass to grow again in the sideways of the garden? Also what to use to kill it without affecting my plant and grass around. I would really appreciate the advice/help from you lovely team. Also what I need to do the makeover of the sideways of the garden. I really want to be on top of this as it is killing the look of my garden. Thank you heaps in advance. ☺️☺️






Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: garden makeover

Hi @gagan4370,


It’s great that you’re looking to give your garden a makeover. To achieve a clean, weed-free garden, it’s important to understand that this requires ongoing work. Weeds will continuously try to grow back, and if you don’t pull them out regularly, they can quickly overrun your garden beds. Regular maintenance is key to keeping your garden looking its best. If you find regular weeding and maintenance to be challenging or time-consuming, you might want to consider low-maintenance options like using pebbles or mulch. These can help suppress weed growth and reduce the amount of effort needed to keep your garden tidy.


For your specific situation, you can use a combination of manual weeding and applying a weed barrier. Start by pulling out all the weeds by hand or using a weeding tool, ensuring you get the roots to prevent them from growing back quickly. Next, lay down a weed mat barrier on the surface of your garden to help prevent new weeds from sprouting. Cover the weed barrier with mulch or pebbles, which not only looks attractive but also helps to further suppress weed growth. For any weeds that do manage to poke through, use a spot treatment herbicide, but be sure to avoid contacting any plants and grass you want to keep. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully to avoid harming your desired plants.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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Re: How to makeover garden side way?

Hi @gagan4370,


Just thought I'd add to Mitch's reply with some resources that you should get inspiration and advice from.


Our Top 10 most popular side yard projects would be great for ideas from community members and How to give your garden a makeover is a helpful guide by expert @Adam_W.


Hope that helps,




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