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How to make a kitchen window outdoor servery bench?

Finding My Feet

How to make a kitchen window outdoor servery bench?

Do Bunnings have a ready made solution for an outdoor kitchen servers bench top to sit on the existing window sill?

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: kitchen window outdoor servery bench

Hi @Pmack40,


I'm not aware of any purpose-built servery benches for window sills. You might like to check out these two wonderful projects: D.I.Y. outdoor servery by @homeinmelbourne and Cafe-style breakfast bar by @daniknight4. They are both excellent examples of what can be achieved if you are inclined to give it a go yourself. 


You might like to post some images of the window sill so our members have a better idea of what you're working with. Let me know if you need a hand uploading photos. Once we know what type of sill it is (flat, slanted) I trust we'll be able to come up with some solutions. 


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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