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How to connect hose to tap?

Finding My Feet

How to connect hose to tap?

I bought a stainless steel garden hose but it doesn't fit on the tap. What do I need to connect them? The diameter of the orange one attached to the tap is about 3.5 cm with the end having 1 cm. The steel hose is about 2.5 cm with the hole about 1.2cm. 


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to connect hose to tap

Hi @feb62,


Have you tried taking the orange tap connector off and attaching the stainless-steel garden hose directly to the tap thread?


Garden taps will often have a 25mm thread, so it sounds like this could be the solution.


Give this a try and let me know how it goes. I'm happy to assist further if required.




Re: How to connect hose to tap

Hi Jacob

Yes, i have tried this and it won't fit.


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to connect hose to tap

Hello @feb62 


Thanks for sharing your question about your hose tap. Technically your tap is supposed to fit onto a standard Kinetic 15mm Brass Female Garden Tap. The 15mm refers to the connector at the back of the garden tap. In this instance, I propose getting a new garden tap. To make sure that your hose fits onto the new tap I suggest bringing it with you to the store. This will allow you to test fit the hose and make sure that it fits.


Please don't forget to get a new garden hose adapter as the older one you had will not fit the new garden tap.  


Just a friendly reminder that all plumbing work must be done by a licensed plumber for safety and compliance.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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