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How to fix pool coping sharp pebbles?

Getting Established

How to fix pool coping sharp pebbles?


I’m renovating on a small budget and have this issue with the pool coping. The pavers have sharp stones all over them. I’m new to this so I’m not sure if they’re pebble crete. 
Can someone please suggest if there is a cost effective way to fix them. I’ve read other posts about kits that can be purchased to repair pebble crete but it said you had to have a smooth surface to begin with. I’ve attached a photo. 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to fix pool coping sharp pebbles?

Hello @AllyW 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's sensational to have you join us and thanks for sharing your question about your pool coping.


It appears that water has slowly washed away the mortar on your pool coping and the tiny aggregates that were mixed into the coping is starting to reveal itself. Are they brittle and easily snap off or are they stiff and sharp? This process probably took several years to happen and was not addressed at the time.


You can either replace the coping with new ones or use a tool to grind the rough top edge of the coping. There are several types of grinders, please make sure to speak to the tool specialist in your store to make sure that the blade and grinder are compatible. The blade you're after is called the DTA 125mm Dual Row Grinding Disc


Please note that this is not a guided tool but a manual one. It will be necessary to manually grind the surface of the coping to bring back its smoothness. Make sure you have your pool cover on as this repair will produce a lot of dust. The grinding disc will leave a grinding pattern on the coping so don't be alarmed. 


Let me call on our experienced members @Dave-1, @TedBear and @homeinmelbourne for their recommendations.


Please make sure to wear personal protection such as gloves, goggles and a heavy duty mask when working on your repairs.


If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.




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Community Megastar

Re: How to fix pool coping sharp pebbles?

ood Evening @AllyW 

Welcome to the Bunnings Community :smile: Its a pretty good place to justtake a wander through and see what others have done or up to.


Man, thats a pain. I havnt seen pavers do that before and as @EricL mentions the wearing probarly happened over a few years.

Do any other pavers have the same issue? As in the area away from the coping?


I have recently removed paint from a bessa block wall next to the pool, paint flakes everwhere from a high pressure water blaster. Even after vacumming the pool a few times and being careful while doing the job I am still finding paint flakes everywhere. So I am not real keen on grinding the pavers back as you may end up with another probelm to deal with even if you are careful.


If its just the coping stones/pavers Id be tempted to remove them and replace them. It would be far easier and less work all up. If you cant afford to do the lot all at once, maybe do teh sections where evertone climbs in and out of the pool to start with and then work your way around the pool when you have the spare money. 


I know I have picked up free pavers from various sites (Check out that blue page :smile: ) for your local groups that give things away for free. Be prepared to move fast and get them if you see some. My only concern is the same thing happening again.


If you have a loose paver it may be an idea to take it to a brick/paving place and see if they can tell you what has happened to it. I suspect someone has used acid or something like that with a high pressure cleaner to keep the edge sparkling (mistakenly) 



Getting Established

Re: How to fix pool coping sharp pebbles?

Thanks Dave - the pavers around the whole pool area are made of the same type of material but aren’t spiky like the ones around the pool (coping?). Do you know if they just just pop up with belting the pavers from underneath? I like your idea of just doing the ones that are walked on as the other ones aren’t really accessible bc of the garden beds. Dumb question (sorry 😣) but am I looking for a particular type/ name for the pavers I might find on the (😂) blue page? 

Getting Established

Re: How to fix pool coping sharp pebbles?

Thanks Eric they are hard and sharp spikes. Cannot walk barefoot without cutting yourself. I like Dave’s idea of just replacing the ones that get traffic. Not sure how to do this as I don’t even speak the same DIY language you boys do. But I’m keen to learn. 

Community Megastar

Re: How to fix pool coping sharp pebbles?

Afternoon @AllyW 

When you say "Belting the pavers from underneath" Are you refering to removing the pavers?

If you are I would suggest to use a Rubber Mallet Stanley 24oz 680g Rubber Mallet Or something like this.


You can use a hammer but I am thinking less intense force to start with first. The Pavers may be held down with mortor and I would hope that the mallet hitting upwards from under the paver will crack it before the paver itself cracks.  Make sure you wear saftey specks when trying to remove the pavers and gloves are a good idea as well (it hurts to mis**bleep** with the mallet, trust me lol)


A cold chisel could also be used on the grout between the pavers Craftright 2 Piece Cold Chisel Set is a cheap set. I use just a straight one but these will protect your hands a little with miss hits. (You use a hammer with this tool, not the mallet)


The first ones Id try and remove would be somewhere you cant see the pavers so easily so if it dosnt work you dont have an eyesore right in front of you.

Gettingthe first one out may be hard as there will be no movement between the pavers, once the first one is out then hopefully the next one will be just a mallet underneath or the cold chisel on the mortar should fracture the bond.


We all us different terms for things/tools so dont worry about that. Just ask quetions to clarify :smile: 



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to fix pool coping sharp pebbles?



If they are not glued down and you can get them out with @Dave-1's mallet technique, you might be able to flip them over if the underside is not deteriorate and rough like the tops.




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Re: How to fix pool coping sharp pebbles?

Evening @AllyW and @MitchellMc 

:surprised: I hadnt thought of that but its a brilliant idea! Def try with a rubber mallet first as its less likely to crack the paver. Be careful of levering under the paver in case you are tempted as the pool fibreglass wont really like it.



Getting Established

Re: How to fix pool coping sharp pebbles?

Dave I will try this and let you know how it goes. Really appreciate your help. 

Getting Established

Re: How to fix pool coping sharp pebbles?

Thank you Mitchel fingers crossed. I love this idea of flipping to see the under side and use the pavers if they’re in good condition 👍 

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