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How do I remove a wooden pelmet from the ceiling?

Growing in Experience

How do I remove a wooden pelmet from the ceiling?

Hi All, 


I need to remove the wooden (?) pelmets from my apartment which are attached to the ceiling. Do I simply smack it down with a hammer then smooth the ceiling and paint it? 


Any advice would be greatly received! IMG_3193.jpgIMG_3188.jpg

Re: How do I remove a wooden pelmet from the ceiling?

Hi @Becshouse , you are correct; you won't be able to get any rod holders into the wall next to the window due to not being able to get a drill or screwdriver in there.

I think it would be easiest to fix holders upwards into the ceiling, rather than sideways into the side walls, for the same reason - harder to get tools up in there.  (But I haven't seen the real thing, so maybe there is adequate space)

I would suggest something like these (They come in black and for other size rods too):-

That way you can put one in the centre too.


You would need to put plugs in first to make the screws bite into the ceiling though.

Perhaps something like these:


Being plaster and lathe, I'd recommend thin pilot holes first to guide the plug through, since these plugs are not designed to encounter timber.

If they start to jam, back out and expand the pilot-hole just a little with a small round file or the next drill size up.

If they don't bite (due to the lathes and old plaster) you'll need to use expanding plugs instead, but if these work they will be neater and more accurate to use.

Maybe @EricL can suggest other products for the task, since he has a better knowledge of Bunning's products than I do.

Fun and games indeed!






Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How do I remove a wooden pelmet from the ceiling?

Hi @Becshouse


I agree with @TedBear on this. I suspect that it is part of a support system so best to leave it alone. I recommend using Parfix 500g Ready To Use Multipurpose Filler to patch up any cracks in the plaster. 


As for the curtain rods, it all depends on what kind of curtain you'll be putting in. There are literally dozens of choices, I suggest visiting your local store to choose something you like. But, before you go make sure to measure the area so that you'll know what size you're after. 


Here is a handy step-by-step guide: How to hang sheer curtains 


Please keep us updated without progress, we look forward to seeing your curtains installed.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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