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How to add an extra toilet and shower?

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How to add an extra toilet and shower?

Hello Everyone, 

I live in a 3 bed room house which has a single toilet and single bathroom Capture.JPGarea. I would like to add extra toilet in the bathroom and an extra shower somewhere elsein the house.  Need some ideas if its feasible and how much it will cost?  attached is the current floor plan. 

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Adding an extra toilet and shower

Hi @priya78 


Others will help  with their take on this question to my mind the only realistic space avaliable is  for both shower2 and toilet2 next to bathroom in the a garage with a new wall and door (powder room I think they call them) this will also help keep plumbing costs down as its close to existing plumbing. Shower is back to back re plumbing, Toilet  plumbing near wall and sewer line can be extended.

back to back showersback to back showers


The  extra loo in bathroom  space next to door a little tight but from there has a great view  down the house corridor. I am not up on  the latest building codes  for loos


Costs will $4000 -$5000 not counting shower and toilet prices. Good ones at Bunning why pay 3x  more for brand names?


Prices will  vary between plumbers if this new plan  legal.


Re: Adding an extra toilet and shower

Hello @priya78


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's marvellous to have you join us, and thank you for sharing your question about adding an extra toilet and shower in your home.


It's fantastic that you've received excellent suggestions from @Jewelleryrescue. The proposed location is the ideal spot to put in an extra shower and toilet. I recommend speaking to several builders and asking them for a quote on the construction of a new bathroom. Your local builder will have to apply for the necessary permits for the additional toilet and shower. Depending on how the builder will present the quote, there might be a separate cost for the plumbing of the new toilet and shower drain.


My number one tip for your project is to make sure to inform the builder to present a detailed quote for the build. Where you actually save money is by choosing your own toilet, shower and accessories that go in the new bathroom. It's best to have as many quotes as possible, from there you will be able to see an average cost of how much builders are charging for a new bathroom build.


Here is a link for ideas and inspiration: Top 10 most popular bathroom projects    


I suggest having a look at this handy guide - How to plan a bathroom renovation by @Adam_W. You might be able to pick up some handy tips while planning your bathroom project.


If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.




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Re: Adding an extra toilet and shower

Many thanks, Jewelleryrescue for the valuable advice.  Appreciate our time in explaining the process.

Getting Established

Re: Adding an extra toilet and shower

Thanks, heaps Eric for the insight on the procedure and for sharing the links. Very helpful.

Re: Adding an extra toilet and shower

Hi @priya78 


In my powder room suggestion I would like to add there are some toilets with a built in wash basin on the top for use in tight spaces.

No room for wash basin  behind  door  but you could create a internal wall sliding door. 


Good luck in you project.

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