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How to fix bubbling paint on door when painting?

Having an Impact

How to fix bubbling paint on door when painting?

Hey guys


We've decided to add some panelling to our doors.


We've successfully done one door as shown below.


Our process was to glue and nail the timber once primed then two coats of paint on the whole door.


We hit a bit of a snag on the second door and shown where, after one coat, I stupidity put painters tape on it and the result is that it lifted the paint slightly.


I proceeded to do one coat of paint over it but naturally the added moisture has caused this bubbling in the section where the tape was


Is my best bet to just wait for this to cure for a few days and then sand it back to remove it from this section and then recoat?



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: bubbling paint on door when painting

That sounds like the right approach @dchur. Doing anything now is likely to cause a bit of a mess. Wait for it to dry so you can sand the area and recoat.


Once the top layer is touch dry, try rubbing the area lightly with a soft cloth. You might find that the bottom layer is still tacky enough to re-bind to the surface.




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Re: bubbling paint on door when painting

Thanks @MitchellMc ,


I ended up getting quite ill so the doors have sat for a week unfinished. We're getting back to it now and you were right, the paint was tacky enough that it has bonded so we're all fine there, perfect.


However, I now have noticed a new and concerning problem.

Where the moulding meats the door there is severe cracking as shown below. We didn't add any caulk because we didn't think we needed it because there were no gaps, but I think that in the past week with one layer of paint the contraction and expansion has cracked it? See below

Screenshot 2023-09-30 at 1.25.50 pm.png


I've lightly sanded the connection points on all these panels and added Monarch gap filler to cover them and help in expansion.
I'm hoping this is going to prevent this from recurring and plan on adding another layer of paint.


Additionally, I noticed that on one of the mouldings themselves, there is the same cracking. This is just the paint on the (primed) moulding, so I'm concerned that this has happened? it appears that it is isolated to this piece and isn't evident anywhere else (except joins). You can also see in this picture I've added the filler to the joins.

Screenshot 2023-09-30 at 1.25.34 pm.png

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: bubbling paint on door when painting

Hi @dchur,


Now that the paint has cured, I'd add another coat. The additional coat will fill the cracks and hopefully provide a suitable finish. Of course, the correct approach will likely be to sand the area back and start again, but I'd try applying another coat to see if that solves the problem first.




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Re: bubbling paint on door when painting

Thanks @MitchellMc ,


We'll do that and see how it goes. Hopefully the next few weeks doesn't reveal any cracking now that we've added that filler.

Having an Impact

Re: bubbling paint on door when painting

Just wanted to report back that adding the filler and an additional coat of paint seems to have prevented this issue from happening again. Thanks @MitchellMc 


We didn't add the sealer to the bathroom door but did add it to the other two. For anyone reading, I'd strongly recommend always adding the filler even if there are no gaps because as the paint dries there will be a small "lift" from the moulding which can cause a slight gap. It just makes a much more even looking finish.


Here's a pic of the other two doors done and dusted.




Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: bubbling paint on door when painting

Awesome work @dchur! You've done a sensational job.


Many thanks for the update.




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