Previous owners of the house installed a cat flap in a glass door; flap has yellowed and admits drafts. Is there a way of removing and sealing the ho ...
It looks as though you may have cut down your pool roller frame to reduce its height as well. Ours had a triangular aluminium frame at each end with c ...
Hi Jacobz,
I used a masonry bit in the way you suggested, but only cut a ~50mm deep "key" for the post and the concrete that was going to fill the hol ...
Thanks @Jewelleryrescue. The existing house fence posts are cemented into 100mm holes evidently drilled into the blocks; I was hoping to do something ...
I want to set a 50mm SHS fence post beside the high side of a limestone retaining wall, but there is a footing course only 350mm down. The post will ...
An ag drain may not cope with heavy rain unless the trench is backfilled with pretty coarse material and you can somehow prevent it from being blocked ...
Liquid Nails sticks like the proverbial and probably better than Aquadhere in a moist situation. I tend not to use it where avoidable because in spit ...
I've fixed this before using a piece of 20x40 DAR pine; but obviously depends on the thickness of the door. When you've found a piece that fits, just ...
An ag drain may not cope with heavy rain unless the trench is backfilled with pretty coarse material and you can somehow prevent it from being blocked ...
Had the same problem using an angle grinder too close to a window; hot dust fused to the glass and then started to rust. I had surprisingly good resu ...
Your beams have a fairly steep slope, so if you attach both ropes to the same beam one rope will be longer than the other and your swing won't "swing" ...
If the water level is okay after a flush but drains away afterwards, then you may have a cracked toilet pan, leaking seal (if it is rear discharge typ ...
Best way to insulate a glass wall (assuming you need the light) is to put another layer of glass in front of it; the thicker, the better. For good so ...
From the look of your cistern, the smell is coming from the sewer. If the water level is too low after flushing you need to flush again or top it up ...
Thanks Nailbag. Slatted fences are pool compliant if the spaces are small enough (from memory <9mm). I should have mentioned that I also looked at E ...