Hi Dave, no worries at allthats the standard internal house brick in Western Australia. There are 12 hole not 10 like my initial message. After lookin ...
Hi Dave, it's a single brick wall where the bricks have been laid on their side so the 10 hole hollows are running horizontal to the wall and it looks ...
Hi Nailbag, the house is all brick rendered and whitset plaster finish no plaster board at all. There ate no frames or mouldings anywhere its all just ...
Hi all. Long time reader first time poster, bit stumped in my latest project, I want to fit two doors to an open living room. House is double brick, i ...
Hi Dave, no worries at allthats the standard internal house brick in Western Australia. There are 12 hole not 10 like my initial message. After lookin ...
Hi Dave, it's a single brick wall where the bricks have been laid on their side so the 10 hole hollows are running horizontal to the wall and it looks ...
Hi all. Long time reader first time poster, bit stumped in my latest project, I want to fit two doors to an open living room. House is double brick, i ...