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How to fix timber door jamb to brick passage?

Getting Established

How to fix timber door jamb to brick passage?

Hi all. Long time reader first time poster, bit stumped in my latest project, I want to fit two doors to an open living room. House is double brick, internal walls single. I planned to use Ramset plugs and long crews however have found out the brick work is laid internal cavities facing the door way so I just drill into nothing. Next option is chemset. pump the cavity full and apply construction adhesive to the flats. Apologies if it's not clear hopefully the photos will help. Second one is in the ceiling above the door way. 




Getting Established

Re: Thoughts on how to fix timber door jamb to brick passage

Hi Dave, no worries at allthats the standard internal house brick in Western Australia. There are 12 hole not 10 like my initial message. After looking into it more most people use metal door jambs with ties that are set between the brick mortar then mortar backfilled To fill the spave between the jab and brick wall. A substantially bigger job but makes sense. I'll see how I go with the chem anchors. 

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